Tartışma:Optimal Use of MS TrueType Core Fonts for a KDE Desktop on SuSE

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Great document. I will add your hints to my SUPER iso. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to all the other apps to look as I like them and as you write it down ;)


Awesome. I got fonts working really well in Firefox with the help of this. I second the motion of this making it into SUPER. --Madmatt04 13:41, 31 Aug 2005 (MDT)

Whaoh, I've discovered the discussion page on the WIKI.

Thanks for your congratulations.

Very nice to heard the stuf will be in SUPER but how will you do ? Can you directly include MS TT Core Fonts ? Is it free ?

Else, for Tahoma, you won't have the right do to so I think but if you can use the MS TT Core Fonts, you can replace all the Tahoma 8 by an Arial or Verdana font.

What about SUPER ? Will it be 100% binary compatible with the main openSuSE ? Is it stable enough ?

--Nooky59 07:26, 6 Sep 2005 (MDT)

About suse 10, in the guide you wrote: "Change the 0 value between the <double> tags for 18 and that will take care of deactivating hinting and anti-aliasing for the MS True Type Core Fonts."

but I've found that enabling antialiasing (and keeping hinting disabled) will produce a better result; let me know if you agree and think to update the guide; btw.. thanks for write it, very nice job!

Sorry but I didn't agree as I hate antialising on small size ;o) The goal of this tutorial is to have a SuSE with a MS like feeling in the fonts (and as written too in the HOW-TO from TLDP). If you have a visual rendering better than the stock SuSE one but with antialising, perhaps should you create another WIKI page ? But it seems that lot of users like theese settings as I can see on reviews and forums

p.s. I've included the <match> block of the ms fonts into my ~/.fonts.conf cause the file /etc/fonts/suse-hinting.conf is auto-generated ("Generated by SuSEconfig.fonts, don't edit, your changes will get lost"). I saw what you wrote in the introduction so I think you don't like the antialias tag set to true ;) anyway please have the user test it too; if you prefer I can directly edit the wiki article.

--VirtualDarKness 07:10, 8 Oct 2005 (MDT)

People, this works for Kubuntu as well! Great Stuff.

open office still looks bad

thanks for this article.

i hope i am not writing in the wrong place. sorry if i am :)

i followed the article on my new suse 10.0 KDE now looks great. firefox looks great. thanks!

...but to get open office looking right, i installed:

<< control-center2 >>

then did: $ gnome-font-properties

...and followed the article to the end, but my open office still looks bad.

can anyone help please?

I've updated the WIKI page quickly, without screenshot, the oOo section was empty before but the title were already there ;o) Now you should have a perfect render with oOo too thanks



Actually, for SuSE 10, one simply has to install the MS fonts and set 0-18 as range for non-anti-aliasing in kcontrol > appearance > fonts > advanced. The other parameter is only useful, if you want to use bytecode for all fonts and not only the TT-fonts.

Further, one has to change the konqueror settings > fonts from nimbus to sans (serif) to make koqnueror use tt-fonts, if the css just states sans-serif.

Great article, It made my SuSE 10 look really professional. Antialiasing always looks smudged to me. I inserted a few pics and added / edited the article a bit.

The Article wants to get font rendering looking like Windows. Windows DPI is 96x96. The author has some screen shots showing 99x99 DPI. Is there a reason for this?

Cheers to the author(s)

--dechrlam 20060226

Just perfect :-)

The font issue was driving me MAD, almost gave completly up on Suse 10.1 cause of it. Now Firefox renders fonts completly as if it where on my Windows 2000 install. Just had to set the fonts settings in Edit -> Preferences -> Content -> Label.Fonts & Colors -> Advanced to:
Sans serif : Arial
Monospace : Courier New

even though Im running 10.1

And i copied all Fonts from my windows install to Suse. Aint that the best solution?

Only thing that still bugs me is Flash 7, these fonts are still a bit blurry, but much more readable now. Ill try and play some more with that later.

Thanks to all that made this :-)

--BoSJo 03:59, 28 July 2005 (GMT+1)