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Transfer-icon-big.gif This article has been transferred to the . Please use new location for your contributions.

Don't create permanent links to the It is temporary location and it will be switched back to after sufficient number of articles is there, or latest by July 12th, 2010.

You can help us and speed up the process by participating in creation of a new wiki that will replace the current one. See Transition guidelines for more details.

K1825272.jpg This article has been reviewed!
The content complies with community quality guidelines and is based on the approved Wiki Style Guidelines. Do not make major edit until it has been moved to the new wiki by the 'administrators'. Last changed: 14:13, 17 Ocak 2025 (UTC)
Geeko Whether you're an experienced Linux developer or an end user just getting started with Linux, there are many ways for you to participate in the openSUSE project. Join a forum to get help or help others with openSUSE, find and report bugs, review the documentation, send your wish list for new packages and features, create and submit patches, or find other creative ways to contribute. Whatever you do, take a few minutes to discuss openSUSE with other users and become an active member of the openSUSE community. For pretty many activities a login is needed to enjoy all the fun and you might create an user page and share some useful information or interests about you with others. Here's a short guide how to do this.

Join openSUSE

What skills are necessary?

Any skill is useful for the openSUSE project!
If you are a developer of any kind, we will find something for you to do. But even if you think that you have no Linux skills you can still help.

Give us feedback on the openSUSE wiki, and help to edit it! We'd like to know what pages are and aren't clear, and what content might be missing. Thanks to the insights of new users, we can continuously enhance the readability of the wiki.

If on top of that, if you can write, you are invaluable. We need a lot of articles. There are thousands of Linux programs around, and more are released every day. In addition, new versions of existing applications are released. There is a need for a lot of hands to write about them and to keep reviews current.

Participate in it

The following tasks can be done even by beginners :)

  • Be part of the openSUSE Community
    See where other openSUSE community members are located world-wide, get to know some People of openSUSE, find local openSUSE user groups, celebrate releases, learn about the governance structure and more.
  • Help other openSUSE users
    There are several active communities that help all levels of openSUSE users. You can help beginners on different media, including Mailing List, IRC and Forums. Please have a look at Communicate for an overview.
  • Suggest New Features or Software
    Visit openFATE our Feature- and Requirements Management System. Here you can get a sorted overview of things happening in upcoming products, follow and participate on the discussion by adding comments or work on features for the next product generation (version) and help to make openSUSE an even better Linux distribution.
  • Help in the vital areas
    There are Tasks that the opensuse community declared as vital, but have actually no volunteers for. You can browse through the list of needed jobs and find one that suits you.

Additional information: CommunityCommunicateopenFATETasksTeams

Document it

Write how-to, documentation, and much more!

  • Be part of the Wiki Team
    This page is built with MediaWiki. The concept of a Wiki is that anybody may add and modify content. As long as you edit anything on the wiki you are de facto member of the Wiki Team. Please see the Wiki Team page if you want to contribute to the Wiki. On Wiki Help, find a quick tutorial if you're unfamiliar with Wikis. Please make sure that you follow the Wiki Guidelines. For more information about translation and localization please look at the Wiki Translation Guidelines howto to localize a wiki.
  • Review or Write Documentation, Manuals, and Articles
    Visit the Documentation page to contribute or read articles and manuals. If you've got instructions, solutions to common problems, neat tips and tricks, or just a good way to explain something, we'd love to hear from you.
  • Improve Hardware Compatibility List
    Hardware support provides challenges to any distribution of Linux. The Hardware Compatibility List pages are used by the openSUSE community to record the compatibility of various hardware and full systems with openSUSE. Share your experience by adding your hardware, especially if you had some issue that you overcame.

Additional information: Wiki TeamTranslation TeamDocumentation TeamHardware

Develop it

Develop the distribution.

  • Design openSUSE Artwork
    Interested in contributing to the look and feel of openSUSE? Visit the artwork Pixel Pool to show off your designs and help influence the next version of openSUSE's artwork.
  • Localize openSUSE Specific Applications
    Translations of YaST2 and other applications specific to openSUSE.
    For KDE, GNOME and different applications that don't belong to either of two, it is possible to find contributors in other Linux communities, but YaST and Co are our responsibility. Read more about it on
  • Test openSUSE and Report Bugs
    You can help improve openSUSE by finding and reporting bugs. Our bug tracking system, Bugzilla, is used for all openSUSE/SUSE Linux products. If you have never written a bug report, please refer to Bug Reporting FAQ to learn what kinds of information make the report most useful. In addition to the current release, you can also test our regularly updated development version Factory which will result in the next openSUSE version.
  • Screen openFATE Features
    You can assure best outcome for the openSUSE distribution by reviewing the proposed Features for the next product generation to keep openFATE as efficient as possible.
  • Package Applications
    Contrib is the universal openSUSE repository for third-party packages. Packaging describes the process of getting your packaged application into a Factory. For more information about getting source code and building your own packages, read the openSUSE Build Tutorial.
  • Develop Patches
    The most obvious way for programmers to participate in the development of openSUSE is to post a patch as a suggested solution to an existing bug in Bugzilla. Each package has a maintainer, who will contact you to discuss your proposed solution. You may want to join one of our development mailing lists before you start coding in order to discuss your plans and coordinate with other developers.
  • Take in charge of Junior Job
    Junior Jobs are low priority issues that are easy to fix. Every maintainer sometimes has these. It is nice to have them fixed but usually maintainers has some more important things to do (high priority bugs), so these bugs can wait for quite some time to get fixed. So it is great opportunity for our community member who wants to contribute, but don't know how.
  • Achieve a Google Summer of Code project
    There are several areas in and around openSUSE which offer the opportunity to do a Google Summer of Code project. If you are a student, you can participate by developing one of the open source projects described here (or propose an idea of your own!), and win cash prizes, while being mentored by an experienced member of the openSUSE community.

Additional information: Artwork Pixel PoolLocalization TeamProofreading TeamTesting TeamFeatures Screening TeamJunior JobsSummer of Code

Spread it

Be the voice of the openSUSE community!

  • Become an Ambassador
    The openSUSE Community is made up of helpful and enthusiastic people, and our ambassadors are the most friendly, helpful, and enthusiastic of all. As an openSUSE Ambassador, you will play a part in helping the openSUSE Project reach new users and new contributors.
  • Be part of the Marketing team
    Publicize community events and meetings to maximize turnout and participation, create artwork, banners and other material that can be reused for openSUSE, help organize launch parties or local events, and much more. In other words : be part of the Marketing Team and promote openSUSE all around you!
  • Write the Newsletters
    Become an editor of the weekly openSUSE newsletter, or translate it into your own language and share the last information about openSUSE!
  • Discover openSUSE people
    Vote whom do you want to see interviewed soon for the People of openSUSE series.

Additional information: AmbassadorMarketing TeamWeekly News TeamPeople of openSUSE

Lead it

Actively influence the distribution.

  • Become an openSUSE member
    openSUSE, being an open and global community project, has contributors and volunteers from all over the world. "openSUSE Members" are specifically distinguished contributors who have brought a continued and substantial contribution to the openSUSE project. So, everything above can qualify for the openSUSE membership status.
  • Be a focal point of any projects development
    The openSUSE community need volunteers to lead the projects, give shape, define tasks, be a focal point of a project development. Open source development is based on a volunteers that create loose groups bound with common interest, but the successful projects have core group of individuals that give direction to the project.
  • Take part at openSUSE project meetings
    The openSUSE community meets bi-weekly in IRC to discuss the project, its parts, status of ongoing tasks, its development direction the wiki etc. Please have a look at the meeting schedule for dates of upcoming meetings.
  • Explore Career Opportunities
    Novell has several open positions for qualified personnel who want to join the openSUSE team. Have a look at our career pages (Germany, Czech Republic, International) for more information.

Additional information: MembersProjectsMeetings