Adding the initial catalog
When doing an initial installation, only YaST knows about the installation sources.
With add-on products, there might exist multiple installation sources.
This knowledge must be transferred to ZMD somehow, so e.g. rug or zen-installer know where to look for packages when asked to install additional RPMs.
**** See Bug 156030 for latest details.
So YaST has to call
rug sa --type=zypp <uri>
rug sub <uri>
to inform ZMD about every installation source.
<uri> is a placeholder in the above example and should be substituted with a unique URI.
Since URIs like cd:// - although correct from a zypp point of view - are not sufficiently unique, it will be extended by the zypp source alias (added as ?alias=...) which is unique inside zypp.
The complete command will for example look like
rug sa --type=zypp cd://?alias=SUSE-Linux-10.1
ZMD will in turn ask the parse-metadata helper to populate its database with information about the catalog
parse-metadata <zmd.db> zypp <uri> <catalog id>
<zmd.db> is a placeholder for the real sqlite database, <catalog> the id to use in the catalogs table.
Last edit in Trac '04/04/06 15:40:03' by 'kkaempf'
Last edit in Trac '04/04/06 15:40:03' by 'kkaempf'
Last edit in Trac '04/04/06 15:40:03' by 'kkaempf'
Last edit in Trac '04/04/06 15:40:03' by 'kkaempf'