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ZMD interface

ZMD, the ZENworks Management Daemon running on the managed device, interfaces to ZYPP via a number of helpers. So instead of directly linking with ZYPP, it uses sqlite to transfer data to/from ZYPP.

Data Flow Graph

Control Flow Graph

The following helpers a currently defined

Before calling on these helpers, ZMD fills sqlite tables with data. Then the helper is called which reads/writes tables and exists. Then ZMD reads the result and continues.

The current ZMD7.1 sqlite format (with libzypp backend) is described here

The obsoleted ZMD7 sqlite format (with libredcarpet backend) is described here (innerweb access needed).

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Last edit in Trac '04/05/06 09:54:13' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '04/05/06 09:54:13' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '04/05/06 09:54:13' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '04/05/06 09:54:13' by 'kkaempf'