
< Libzypp‎ | ZMD
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ZMD/YaST Interface

Adding the installation catalog

Adding the update catalog(s) to ZMD

Adding the update catalog(s) to YaST

The following Bugs also contain information about (or relate to) ZMD/YaST: 156030 160069(fixed) 160319(dupl 156030) 160402


  1. Addition/Removal of catalogs must be done via zmd (rug)
  2. Addition/Removal of repositories must be done via zypp (yast)
  3. zmd can only handle ftp/http repositories, all others (cd, dvd, nfs, ...) must be handled by zypp
  4. A (zypp) repository is identified by its URI(cd://, dvd://,...) and a (product) name
  5. A (zmd) catalog is identified by its URL


  • Catalogs and repositories are essentially identical, just two names depending on the tool (zmd or zypp)
  • For zmd the URL must be unique, this makes zypp URIs like cd:// impossible to handle.
  • Catalogs added via zmd must be synched back to zypp
    • Zmd calls parse-metadata which does the check and eventually adds the catalog to zypp
      • Problem: The catalog appears local to the parse-metadata helper, so the correct URL can't be passed to zypp.
  • Repositiories added via zypp must be synced back to zmd
    • YaST Install/Delete install source will call rug sa/rug sd
  • zmd can only handle ftp and http, everything is treated as local and handled by zypp.


  • yast add/remove installation source must call rug sa/rug sd in order to inform zmd
    • the URI passed via rug must be unique
    • for ftp/http sources, a correct URI must be passed since zmd downloads metadata
    • for other URIs, the real URI can be encoded in order to make it unique
      • Solution: Add the zypp alias as cd://?alias=alias to make the URI unique
  • zmd should inform zypp about added/removed catalog. Since zmd does not directly link to zypp, this must be done be a helper
    • for added catalogs, parse-metadata will be called
    • the real URI must be passed to parse-metadata
    • for removed catalogs, service-delete will be called

In a meeting Jose Mercado and Klaus Kaempf agreed that some kind of control flow between libzypp and ZMD is needed.

Jose proposed to enhance the existing XML/RPC interface with functions for

  • start transaction (while zypp doing rpm stuff, zmd shouldn't refresh its cache)
  • stop transaction (when zypp is done with rpm, zmd should refresh its cache)
  • add source (when a new installation source is added via yast, it must be synched with zmd)
  • remove source (when an installation source is removed via yast, it must be synched with zmd)

Last edit in Trac '04/05/06 09:53:11' by 'kkaempf'