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Guiding Principles - Board - Members - Ambassadors - Teams
Dosya:Open suse news.jpg

Read The Latest, Issue 97

The aim of the newsletter is to summarize all the finer details occurring in and around the openSUSE Community. Recurring topics include:

  • Announcements
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Past and Future Events and Meetings
  • Contributor, Build Service, Bugzilla and Translation Statistics
  • ..and much more!

Next Newsletter: OpenSUSE_Weekly_News/98
Status updates from Translations: Readypage
Whitepaper: Weekly News Survey

Community Week

CommunityWeek Special Edition: CommunityWeek2009
Community Week: Weekly News contribute the Community Week


Feel free to post interesting links on this Page.



The Team Communication is over the Marketing List. If you would like a part of openSUSE Weekly News subscribe the List first.



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Archive for the ‘Weekly News’ Category


You can subscribe to the openSUSE Weekly News RSS feed at

See Also

Goals of the Ambassador program

  • Act as an evangelist for openSUSE to the public
  • Mentor new users and contributors
  • Support openSUSE at local events
  • Promote use of openSUSE and contributions to the openSUSE Project
  • Have a lot of fun!

How do I join?

It's easy. You will need the following:

  1. Set up an Account if you don't have one already.
  2. Complete your User Profile on and your user page on the english openSUSE Wiki. Please make sure to include your IRC nick and a way to get in touch via email and/or IM.
  3. Sign the Guiding Principles in the User Directory.
  4. Subscribe to the opensuse-marketing mailing list, if you're not already.
  5. Add yourself to the list of Ambassadors. Be sure to specify your region.
  6. Email the Ambassador Lead to let us know you're ready to start!
  7. (Optional) Introduce yourself on the opensuse-marketing list!

Have questions? Ask on the opensuse-marketing mailing list, or in #opensuse-project on Freenode.


Events are a big part of the Ambassador program. We are looking for Ambassadors to represent the openSUSE Project in every part of the world, at events big and small, and to organize events on behalf of the project.

Wondering what events might be coming up? See LWN's Calendar for a reasonably well-kept calendar of events related to Linux and open source.

See Ambassador/Events for upcoming events, with Ambassador Support. Or you can see which Event needs help.


The mailing list for the Ambassador Program is opensuse-marketing.

Want to talk in real time? Join the #opensuse-project channel on Freenode.

openSUSE Ambassador FAQ

Q: Why "Ambassador"? Why not a name unique to the openSUSE Project?

A: We held a vote and the ambassador name won out. Apparently "Evangelizard" wouldn't translate terribly well.

Q: Do I need to be a openSUSE Member to be an openSUSE Ambassador.

A: Absolutely not. However, being an openSUSE Ambassador is one way to make a continued and substantial contribution to openSUSE, and qualify to become a Member.

Q: What are the qualifications to become an Ambassador?

A: See the How Do I Join Section above.

Q: What do I have to do?

A: That's up to you! We have suggestions, but if you can think of new ways to spread the word about openSUSE and help new users and contributors join the project, we're all ears. Here's some of the ways we see Ambassadors working to reach out to new users and contributors:

  • Speak at local events like Linuxfests, Linux User Group meetings, and other gatherings where people may be interested in learning about Linux, open source, and the openSUSE Project.
  • Help out in the openSUSE booth at events.
  • Plan events, installfests, and openSUSE Launch parties in your area.
  • Be a friendly "face" on openSUSE mailing lists, forums, and IRC channels, answer questions about use of openSUSE and contribution to the openSUSE Project.
  • Help manage social media groups related to openSUSE.
  • Show your coworkers, friends, and family members how to switch to openSUSE from Windows or Mac OS X.
  • Come up with new and creative ways to promote openSUSE locally and globally.
  • Serve as a regional contact for openSUSE.
  • Help distribute openSUSE DVDs/media to other Ambassadors.

Q: What does the openSUSE Project provide to help spread the word about openSUSE?

A: We can provide openSUSE DVDs and other collateral for events. Please be sure to give advanced notice (usually about four weeks) if you'd like to receive media. We also provide openSUSE shirts for Ambassadors staffing the openSUSE booth at events. Contact [1] for the requirements and other related details.

Q: Can a country/region/state/city have more than one openSUSE Ambassador?

A: Yes, the more the merrier.

Q: What makes an Ambassador official? Do I need approval to get started?

A: You don't need approval to start promoting openSUSE. If you're working to promote openSUSE in your area or online, you're an Ambassador in good standing as long as you uphold the Guiding Principles of the project and conduct yourself in a professional and courteous manner.

We will look to name specific contacts in each region who can serve as the point of contact for openSUSE media and to organize events, launch parties, etc.

Q: Will the openSUSE Project be starting local groups? If so, should they be separate from existing Linux User Groups?

A: Ambassadors are free to start local openSUSE groups, and we encourage this -- so long as they cooperate with existing Linux User Groups. If there's an existing LUG in your area, we suggest setting up an openSUSE special interest group (SIG) within the LUG rather than working outside the LUG. Linux user groups are stronger when users of all distros work together, and we want to encourage cooperation with existing LUGs as much as possible!

See also