"The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the release of openSUSE 11.2. openSUSE 11.2 includes new versions of GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice.org, Firefox, the Linux kernel, and many, many more updates and improvements. In 11.2 you’ll find more than 1,000 open source desktop applications. openSUSE also includes a full suite of server software and a rich selection of open source development tools."
"As i written in the past, we need more Candidates for the Board Election. ATM we have just one (Rupert Horstkoetter). If you would like to register too, please follow the next Steps. The whole Process is written there: http://en.opensuse.org/Board_Election/2009 . But in short i’ll give you the hints."
"To help promote the 11.2 release, we have banners for openSUSE 11.2 available on the openSUSE wiki, courtesy of Jakub Steiner (jimmac). They’re available in most standard ad sizes for the Web, so you should be able to find one to fit your blog or site."
"Yesterday evening we celebrated the openSUSE 11.2 launch in the Novell/SUSE Linux offices. Around fifty people showed up – both openSUSE folks employed by Novell and externals. We had a couple of demo systems, DVDs and LiveCDs to distribute and discussed openSUSE. I gave a short presentation about the new features of openSUSE 11.2, then Klaas interpreted Will (his voice was trailing off) who was showcasing some less known KDE 4 features."
"openSUSE 11.2 was released on Thursday, November 12th, 2009! There's no better way to enjoy the new release than with your fellow openSUSE users! Join us !"
"Only a few days until the openSUSE 11.2 launch. Spending time today checking media and getting ready to have the openSUSE promo DVDs created. Don’t forget: 11.2 will be released on Thursday!"
"The bugtracking tool used by the openSUSE project is the Novell bugzilla and this system will be updated to a new upstream version (version 3.4) together with some changes requested by openSUSE community and Novell employees. The date for this upgrade is Saturday November 14 at 9am mountain time (that is 16:00 UTC). Both Bugzilla and Testopia will be down for several hours on that day."
"This article is part of the on going Unix sed command tutorial series. In our previous articles we learned sed with single commands — printing, deletion, substitute and file write.
Sed provides lot of commands to perform number of operations with the lines in a file.
In this article let us review how to append, insert, replace a line in a file and how to get line numbers of a file."
"Since I've been using Solaris since the dawn of time (as far back as 1983 anyway when SunOS wasn't yet called "Solaris") and use Linux systems only now and then, I have only just learned about the seq command. The seq command doesn't do a whole lot. It just generates a sequence of numbers. Even so, it saves me a lot of annoying little issues in my scripts, such as whether I need to use "less than" (-lt) or "less than or equal to" (-le) and whether I have incremented my loop counter correctly and in the right place in my loop or initialized it in the first place."
"Everyone knows that Digg is a hugely popular social news website where like-minded folks gather and flame each other to death. But if you're a Digg user and want to flex your coding skills to get a little more from the site, we've got the perfect code project for you: we're going to show you how to write a Python app to read Digg submissions and geo-locate them using GeoIP."
"Have you ever been coding Java and suddenly wanted to do something using loosely-typed variables or worked out an issue with a little less Java-ness? Have you ever wanted to take advantage of the familiarity people have with some languages (ECMAScript/JavaScript) while still using something that is not a web browser as an environment? Have you ever wanted to debug your JavaScript without refreshing a web page and your cache that just won't seem to ever refresh properly for you? This and more will be covered today with practical examples in both the Novell Identity Manager (IDM) and Novell Sentinel applications plus any other Java-based applications that you may have around your own environment."
"In part 1 and part 2 we learned some nifty OpenSSH tips and tricks for file sharing and remote access on the LAN. The same techniques also work over the the Internet, but you must take some extra security precautions. It is necessary to lock down the OpenSSH server more tightly, get through your firewall without opening your LAN to the world, and decide if you want password authentication or certificate authentication."
"An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a must-have in server environments, and for many desktop users as well. But although simply connecting your PC or server to a UPS will protect you from intermittent power outages and give you the chance to shut the system down at the keyboard, an unattended power outage could still cause problems. For added protection, you can run a power-monitoring utility that will read status information from the UPS and perform a clean shutdown of the connected machine (or machines), preserving data and stopping processes in the proper state."
"I’m happy to announce OpenOffice.org 3.2 beta1 packages for openSUSE. They are available in the Build Service OpenOffice:org:UNSTABLE project and include many upstream and Go-oo fixes. See also overview of integrated features and enhancements. Please, look for more details about the openSUSE OOo build on the wiki page."
"It's a while since the last post on my blog, so here the latest news: Two weeks ago, after some weeks of absence, I tried to commit some patches to my hal/hal-info git repo at freedesktop.org, but there was no git repo anymore. In fact my complete home at people.freedesktop.org was empty. ..."
"One of the few utility programs that are used every day on mobile devices is a wireless networking tool, but somehow this is one of the last applications to appear for KDE 4. With the autumn 2009 crop of Linux distributions, a usable client for the widely used NetworkManager system finally makes its debut."
"The GNOME release team held a meeting 10 days ago. Yep, it's hardly believable for many people, I guess: you've always thought the release team members are lazy contributors who just pretend they're doing something useful. So, the truth is that this is also a valid statement ;-) But from time to time, we're having meetings (and doing other things that are not completely useless). Even though we have quite some meeting experience now, we're still optimistic about having enough time to discuss every topics. It turns out we managed to discuss everything in only three hours this time. Quite amazing, if you ask me!"
"With Moonlight quickly approaching its first official 2.0 release (which has feature parity with Silverlight 2.0 and has a handful of 3.0 features in place) we have been thinking about the work ahead of us, 3.0 and beyond."
"There is a lot of things happening around cloud computing (a lot more to come I hope). Infraestructure as Service (IaaS) is one of the things. Cloud computing is not only IaaS but it is also Software as a Service (SaaS) and also Platform as a Service (SaaS). A SaaS example would be gmail or salesforce. That is a software we access from our browser but we do not know were it is."
"I’m in the middle of a blog series on Product Quality—of critical importance to all our stakeholders. I need to interrupt this series to comment on an exciting development. Last week we announced one of our most innovative and impactful projects—Novell Pulse. My interruption is to explain why we are exhilirated with this. Be assured, we will get back to Product Quality promptly."
"openSUSE 11.2 is out the door today, and I’ve been using it or the release candidates for several weeks. Really enjoying the new release and all the goodies that come with it. One of the packages in this release that’s worth a look is Choqok, a FOSS microblogging app."
"A possible heads up on a potential issue for nVidia users, me included, however for me not an issue. I always keep a copy of the old driver handy anyway."
"A default install doesn't have a launcher for K file management as Dolphin has taken over this. You can switch view profile, but if you want to launch it directly as a file manager without making K default - then read here."
"Another recent question like this gave KDE the limelight as the preferred choice of Desktop, but here users confirm their choice of gnome and say - Why!"
"Today at 4pm CET at the Center for Economics, Technology and Women’s Issues at the Berlin Senate, KDE founder Matthias Ettrich was decorated with the German Federal Cross of Merit for his contributions to Free Software. Matthias was awarded the medal in recognition of his work spurring innovation and spreading knowledge for the common good. The award was presented by state secretary Almuth Nehring-Venus. She mentioned that not only is Matthias among the younger recipients of the award but also that this is the first award ceremony where young children of the family were present. Also attending was Eberhard Gienger, member of the Bundestag for the county Matthias grew up in."
"MOUNTAIN VIEW, California, Nov. 4, 2009 – SourceForge, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNUX) today announced that it has changed its name to Geeknet, Inc. to more accurately reflect the company’s business and the growing market it serves. The name change also supports the company’s intention to expand the reach of its online advertising services into new categories."
"We've been relatively quiet over the last few weeks, because we've been busy pulling together 60 issues of Linux Format magazine, converting all the reader questions and answers about Linux into web-friendly formats. Fortunately, that work is now done, so we're proud to present the TuxRadar Linux Answers Archive - a searchable database of over 700 common Linux problems and their solutions from the last five years."
"The Linux Exposition of Southern California is proud to announce the 8th Annual Southern California Linux Expo scheduled for February 19-21, 2010 at the Westin Hotel near Los Angeles International Airport.
Wide spread acceptance from the user community has established SCALE as a premiere Linux/Open Source conference in the Southern California region."
"So, my first Nepomuk meeting is over (as you will probably get to know from other sources), and here there are my impressions. First of all, it has been a real pleasure knowing Sebastian Trueg and all the other guys (and the only woman, of course!) who met in Freiburg the last weekend; the place was quite cool (especially the fact that the conference room was just below the bedroom floor), and the surroundings were really beautiful."
"Earlier this month, Linus Torvalds released 2.6.32-rc6 – due to the Kernel Summit, RC6 was not released the usual week after RC5, but two weeks after. As usual at this point in the development cycle, mostly minor patches have been merged over the past few days to avoid making changes that might introduce new bugs in the three to six weeks that remain until the final release of Linux 2.6.32."
"OpenOffice.org plans to ship a multi-button office application mouse by February next year.
The outfit said it would start taking orders for the pointing device, which comes loaded with 18 chunky programmable buttons and is intended for use by OpenOffice fans and gamers, next month."
"While I like the Linux desktop a lot, I don't pretend that it's that popular. That's why I found it fascinating that, despite everything Microsoft has been able to throw at it, desktop Linux still managed to claim 32% of the netbook market."
"Microsoft and Novell entered into a landmark Linux to Windows interoperability, patent and sales deal in 2006 and today, three years later, the partnership is still going strong as it begins its next phase."
"Not content to dominate search and online advertising, two operating systems, and cross-platform browser, Google is now getting into the programming language business as well. Yesterday Google announced Go a brand-new systems programming language. Why does Google need Go? According to the FAQ on the site, Google saw a gap in the existing systems programming languages, and the company decided it was "worth trying again with a new language" that has taken ideas from other systems programming languages as well as scripting languages like Python and JavaScript."
"According to security services provide Secunia, a vulnerability in the free image editing tool GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) can potentially be exploited to compromise a users system. The vulnerability, rated by Secunia as moderately critical, occurs when processing specially crafted BMP images within the ReadImage() function in plug-ins/file-bmp/bmp-read.c causing an integer overflow that can be exploited to cause a heap-based buffer overflow. The overflow may allow an attacker to remotely execute code on a users system."
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The openSUSE Forums have 36890 (+489) registered users - Most users ever online was 14419, Yesterday at 17:22.
3824 (+58) of 10051 (+123) registered contributors in the User Directory have signed the Guiding Principles. The board has acknowledged 360 (+0) members.
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