SUSE Linux'de Sun Java kurulumu

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Because of licensing issues Sun's Java Edition can not be included on the CDs of the download edition of SUSE Linux.

Here is a quick guide how to install it.

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Installing Java through YaST

OpenSUSE already provides an installation source to install Sun's Java via YaST. We just have to add the Java installation source and can then install Java packages with YaST.

Currently this source contains packages for Java version 1.4.2_06 and 1.5.0_03.

This installation source not only contains Sun's JRE/JDK but some other software which depends on Sun's Java too. You can browse the server directory to see what packages are included.

Adding the Java Installation Source

  1. Start YaST
  2. Choose Software/Installation Source
  3. Choose Add/FTP...
  4. As server name enter a openSUSE mirror, for example "" (without the quotes). Look at the mirror list to find a mirror near your location.
  5. Enter "pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-OSS-stable/inst-source-java/" (without the quotes) under Directory on Server.
  6. Press OK to finish

The Java installation source is now added to YaST.

The server path above always points to the latest SUSE Linux release. If you want to specify some specific version substitute "SL-OSS-stable" with the specific version, for example "SL-10.0-OSS" or "SL-10.1". See for the available versions.

Installing Java Packages

Now you can install the Java packages with YaST (Software/Software Management). If you choose Filter "Search" and enter "Sun" you'll quickly find them.

Don't forget to install java-1_4_2-sun-plugin or java-1_5_0-sun-plugin if you want Java support for your browser.

Switching between two different Java JREs or SDKs

The current Java packages use the update-alternatives command. It creates symbolic links to the common Java binaries of the currently used Java version. This can be used to switch between different versions of installed Java JREs and SDKs (e.g. Sun Java 1.5, Sun Java 1.4.2 and IBM Java 1.4.2).

As root, you can call

   update-alternatives --config java

to change all JRE-related links to one special JRE version


   update-alternatives --config javac 

to change all JDK-related links to one special SDK version

These commands will provide you with a menu that lists all possible JREs or SDKs.