SDB:CUPS - Reinstalling the Printing System

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 9.1


You want to completely reinstall the CUPS printing system (for any reason).


You can do this manually. However, please note that we cannot provide you with any additional assistance as part of our free installation support services.

Log in as root and execute the following commands in a text console:

  • Stop CUPS:
rccups stop
  • Remove the installed CUPS packages:

Use the rpm -qa | grep ^cups command to display which CUPS packages must be deleted. Up until SUSE LINUX Version 9.1, you can also refer to the section "YaST printer configuration basics" in the chapter "Printer operation" in the administration manual for a list of which individual packages must be installed for a complete printing system. Tip: Please note that removal of the CUPS packages must always be started with the cups-drivers-stp package or the cups-drivers package. If individual CUPS packages (especially cups-libs) should generate error messages about failed dependencies (error: Failed dependencies:) you must specify the additional parameter --nodeps for RPM. Note: Please refer to the following article if you are using SUSE Linux Personal or Update version:
SDB:How to Install the SuSE Linux Manuals

  • Delete the files in the /etc/cups/* directory (not the /etc/cups/ directory itself)
rm -r /etc/cups/*
  • Remove the directories and all files in /var/spool/cups/ and /var/log/cups/
rm -r /var/spool/cups/
rm -r /var/log/cups/
  • Make sure that the following access, user and group rights exist for the /etc/cups/ directory: drwxrwxr-x lp lp
chown lp:lp /etc/cups/ && chmod 775 /etc/cups/
  • Reinstall CUPS packages manually:
rpm -ihv /media/CDROM(DVD)/suse/i586/PACKAGENAME
However, please note:

Since the list of the CUPS packages to be deleted can differ from the list of the CUPS packages to be installed, especially if the required CUPS packages were missing earlier, we recommend using YaST2 to re-install the packages. This ensures that the system takes all package dependencies into account.

  • Restart CUPS:
rccups start
