17:59 @<henne> Welcome to the openSUSE Status Meeting!
17:59 @<henne> This meeting is meant to discuss the latest developments in and around openSUSE.
17:59 @<henne> Some technicalities:
17:59 @<henne> This channel is moderated during the time of the session.
18:00 @<henne> But it has +z set so the operator (but nobody else) can see what youre writing. So if you have a question
or remark just write it.
18:00 @<henne> The moderator then will give you a voice and you can repeat your question for everyone.
18:00 @<henne> The topics of this meeting are:
18:00 @<henne> * 1 Mailing lists
18:00 @<henne> * 2 Q & A (see questions below)
18:00 @<henne> kickoff! :)
Mailing lists
18:00 @<henne> that first topic is for me i guess
18:00 @<henne> so. at the moment i work on
18:01 @<henne> i finished by today
18:01 @<henne> * mailinglist software setup
18:01 @<henne> * create mailinglist script
18:01 @<henne> * webarchive layout
18:01 @<henne> * webarchive setup
18:02 @<henne> * webarchive search
18:02 @<henne> * converting old mails
18:02 @<henne> this is what i have done so far
18:02 @<henne> whats missing is:
18:02 @<henne> * address mapping
18:03 @<henne> * bad user handling
18:03 @<henne> * backup
18:03 @<henne> i hope i can finish these topics this weeks
18:03 @<henne> -s
18:03 @<henne> what i want to do after that is switch all opensuse* lists first
18:04 @<henne> run them for a week and see if everything holds
18:04 @<henne> then if that is sorted out i will start moving suse* lists over to that machine
18:04 @<henne> so what does that mean for everyone else?
18:05 @<henne> well we need to have a mailinglist layout finished by next week
18:05 @<henne> other than that there is nothing one should notice
18:05 @<henne> any questions about this?
18:06 +<mvidner> pardon my ignorance, but what is all this about the mailing lists? can you post a link to some background?
18:06 @<henne> mvidner: we have to move to a new mailinglist server which i am setting up
18:07 @<henne> mvidner: on and you can see which lists are affected
18:08 +<skh> was there a result from the mailing list renaming discussion?
18:08 +<skh> i.e. what will the new layout be?
18:08 @<henne> what i took out of that discussion is that we want to have
18:08 @<henne> <project>@tld as a catchall list
18:09 @<henne> and <project>-<project>@tld as project coordination list
18:09 +<skh> <project>-project ;-)
18:09 @<henne> yeah sorry
18:09 @<henne> i think this is ok for specific project
18:10 @<henne> once we see that the catchall list is to crowded
18:11 @<henne> everyone allright with that?
18:11 +<skh> sounds good.
18:12 @<henne> okay so next topic?
18:12 @<henne> or is there anything else on mailinglists?
18:12 * Beineri suggests to also make #opensuse then a catchall channel and move in synchronization to the lists
development talk to #opensuse-factory (or is #opensuse-devel better)
18:12 +<skh> is the channel too crowded?
18:13 @<henne> no not at all
18:13 +<Beineri> there is imo too much noise / support questions
18:13 @<henne> its dead. we redirected nearly everything to #suse
18:13 +<Beineri> #opensuse-buildservice has the right information / chat ratio
18:14 @<henne> well lets decide this in the channel sometime...
18:14 @<henne> not now :)
18:14 @<henne> anything else on the topic of mailinglists?
18:15 +<Beineri> or let's decide by practice :-)
18:15 +<skh> next topic
18:15 @<henne> okay
Q & A
18:15 @<henne> Next Topic:
18:15 @<henne> Q&A
18:16 @<henne> Upgrading of OSS
18:16 @<henne> is aj here?
18:16 +<skh> adrian is.
18:17 @<henne> adrianS: can you answer the first question?
18:17 @<henne> hes not at his keyboard
18:17 @<henne> its a very technical question anyway
18:17 +<skh> ok - I think update 10.0 OSS to 10.1 should work, so this is basically a bug
18:17 @<henne> should be asked on opensuse
18:18 @<henne> the second one too imho
18:18 * Beineri knows that we tested upgrade from 10.0 and 9.3 to 10.1. And for the apparently not complex enough test
cases it worked. :-)
18:18 +<skh> or filed in bugzilla. it's hard to answer without details
18:18 @<henne> yeah
18:18 @<henne> okay the next question would be the status of the forums
18:19 +<skh> ok, that's mine ;-)
18:19 @<henne> skh: do you know anything about that?
18:19 +<skh> no news. we're still in "technical evaluation", meaning that cthiel will be working on the login stuff soon
18:20 @<henne> any timeframe?
18:20 +<skh> rather weeks than months
18:20 +<skh> the problem is, 10.1 was far more important
18:20 +<skh> so we have to do this before work on 10.2 really starts.
18:21 @<henne> okay
18:21 @<henne> next question?
18:21 @<henne> new isos with fixes package manager stack
18:21 @<henne> fixed*
18:21 @<henne> re-spin isos
18:22 @<henne> michl?
18:22 +<michl> we won't make new isos
18:22 @<henne> because?
18:23 +<michl> every new installation should do online update during installation
18:23 +<michl> and gets the patch
18:23 +<michl> the ohter can do a updat via YOU
18:24 +<bill-barriere> why not just add those to the add-on cd/dvd
18:24 +<michl> and at the moment we don't have ressources creating new isos and do proper testing
18:24 +<bill-barriere> YOU doesnt work how you axpect people to use it to patch itself
18:24 +<bill-barriere> add-on cd thingy will just get added in install way easier for people with 56k
18:25 +<Beineri> bill-barriere: don't confuse YOU (used during installation) and zen-updater
18:25 +<_Marcus_> YOU does work... we have tested it ;)
18:25 @<henne> okay
18:26 @<henne> so getting the new package manager updates by YOU is no problem?
18:26 @<henne> during the installation
18:26 +<_Marcus_> exactly. we had some problems with mirror delays, but most mirrors should have caught up now
18:26 @<henne> okay
18:26 +<_Marcus_> some mirrors are as far back as 4 days
18:26 @<henne> then i also see no need to put those on the add-on cd
18:26 +<_Marcus_> also within the installation workflow
18:26 +<_Marcus_> have to run now, sorrys
18:27 @<henne> okay next question then
18:27 @<henne> oh there are none
18:27 @<henne> okay any topic you would like to discuss now?
18:27 +<Beineri> then questions of attendees?
18:28 +<sPiN> neither of my machines got online updates durring install... the laptop cause its wifi, and the desktop just
said failed when it tried to test net connection
18:29 +<sPiN> also... that suse-register that ships with 10.1... takes down the wifi connection
18:29 @<henne> sPiN: so those are net problems?
18:29 +<sPiN> and on my desktop, it says there are products to update
18:29 +<Beineri> sPiN: you also get online updates sources and updates via YOU when you run the update registration
18:30 +<sPiN> yes but that register module doesnt work properly
18:30 +<Beineri> sPiN: then check if you have an update source registered, if not add one manually and run YOU
18:30 +<sPiN> like i said, it kills my wifi connection and nothing happens... and on my desktop it says no product found
18:30 +<sPiN> both of these were fresh installs
18:31 @<henne> sPiN: please dont confuse your problem with "does not work"
18:31 +<sPiN> does not work for me
18:31 +<sPiN> and im not alone
18:31 @<henne> sPiN: true. but it works in general :)
18:31 +<sPiN> many people have had the issue with suse register and it killing their wifi
18:31 +<sPiN> and lots of others have had machines where suse-register tells them there is no product to register
18:31 @<henne> sPiN: did you report it?
18:32 +<sPiN> i cant find my stupid bugzilla u/p... so no didnt report that
18:32 @<henne> please do
18:32 @<henne> or write a mail with details to
18:32 @<henne> then we can debug this particular problem there
18:33 +<sPiN> ok... so my other comment is given these issues...
18:33 +<sPiN> short of doing a manual addition of the update mirror...
18:33 @<henne> if we see that this is a general problem we might have to add a suseRegister update to the add-on cd
18:33 @<henne> but only then ok?
18:33 +<mvidner> I have not seen a problem related to suse-register AND wifi in bugzilla yet. do you have a bug number?
18:33 +<sPiN> these problems are going to cause many users to not get the updates
18:33 @<henne> sPiN: please!
18:34 @<henne> sPiN: so will you report that problem?
18:35 +<sPiN> im opening my stock 10.1 vm right now to see if i can get it to get the updates with YOU
18:35 +<sPiN> henne: certainly, ill make some time later today to do so
18:35 @<henne> okay thanks
18:35 +<sPiN> is there anything i should do with regards to output? run anything with debug switches etc?
18:36 @<henne> sPiN: please lets debug this later and not now :)
18:36 @<henne> so any other topics we need to discuss now?
18:37 @<henne> nothing?
18:38 @<henne> okay
18:38 @<henne> then i say we call it a day
18:38 @<henne> thanks all for participating and have a nice remaining day :)
18:38 +<skh> thanks henne ;)
18:38 @<henne> the next meeting will take place at 06/27/06
18:39 @<henne> same time same channel :)
18:39 @<henne> Have a lot of Fun....
--- Log closed Tue Jun 13 18:39:13 2006