sqlite API for ZMD7.1 (Defender)
Last updated: Mon Jan 30 13:48:12 EET 2006 Written by: Tambet Ingo (
ZYPP backend for zmd.
- find-file
find-file <database> <filename>
Find packages that own the given file. The ids of found packages are taken from the packages table and their ids are printed to standard output. Note that this (currently?) works only with local and installed packages. All warnings and errors are written to standard error using the common messaging format defined below. The helper returns 0 on success and anything else in case of failure.
- package-files
package-files <database> <package id>
Used to read package contents. The helper first gets the package from packages table by id and then queries it's file list from the system package management database. The result is written to files table. All warnings and errors are written to standard error using the common messaging format defined below. The helper returns 0 on success and anything else in case of failure.
- query-files
query-files <database> <uri> [catalog id]
Used to query package files on the local file system and produce metadata. The uri argument must start with 'file://' and contain path to local file or directory. If the uri points to a directory, the uri can contain an additional query part 'recursive' which makes the helper to scan the directory itself plus all it's subdirectories. Some examples of correct uris:
file:///tmp/packages/perl-5.8.6-2.i586.rpm file://tmp/packages?recursive=1
Metadata of all found packages is written to the packages table. If the command line had catalog id, it's written to the 'channel' field, otherwise a well known id '@local' is used. All warnings and errors are written to standard error using the common messaging format defined below. The helper returns 0 on success and anything else in case of failure.
- query-system
query-system <database>
Used to read installed packages from system package manager. The result is written to packages table with a well known catalog id '@system'. All warnings and errors are written to standard error using the common messaging format defined below. The helper returns 0 on success and anything else in case of failure.
- resolve-dependencies
resolve-dependencies <database> [verify]
Used to resolve dependencies. Proposed transaction is read from the transactions table. Rows are defined as:
action - 0 for removals and 1 for installations id - id of the resolvable
All available and installed resolvables must be read from packages table, zmd is responsible for populating it. System packages should not be touched. The results are added to the transactions table with appropriate message in 'details' field. If the optional verify argument is used, the system's internal dependency tree is checked and if it's not clean, suggested changes are written to the transactions table with appropriate messages. In case of dependency failures, the error message is written to the standard output, one item per line. All warnings and errors are written to standard error using the common messaging format defined below. The helper returns 0 on success and anything else in case of failure.
- transact
transact <database> [dry-run]
As the helper name indicates, transact. Available packages are read from packages table. Proposed changes are read from the transactions table. Progress reporting is written to standard output and the format depends on the type of the progress message. Here's the full list:
Transaction start message: 0|total steps(int) Transaction step message: 1|sequence number(int)|step(int)|message(string) Transaction progress step message: 2|amount(int)|total(int) Transaction failure message: 3|message(string) Transaction done message: 4
All warnings and errors are written to standard error using the common messaging format defined below. The helper returns 0 on success and anything else in case of failure.
The logging is usually implemented over standard error. Messages produced by helpers are in the following format, one message per line.
Log level|Error message Log level is one of the following: Always -1 Never 0 Error 1 Critical 2 Warning 3 Message 4 Info 5 Debug 6
id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY name VARCHAR alias VARCHAR description VARCHAR priority INTEGER priority_unsubd INTEGER
resolvable_id INTEGER NOT NULL dep_type INTEGER NOT NULL name VARCHAR version VARCHAR release VARCHAR epoch INTEGER arch INTEGER relation INTEGER resolvable_id is the foreign key for dep_type is one of the following: 0 - require 1 - provide 2 - conflict 3 - obsolete arch is one of the following: -1 - Unknown 0 - Noarch, 1 - i386 2 - i486 3 - i586 4 - i686 5 - x86_64 6 - IA32E 7 - Athlon 8 - PPC 9 - PPC64 10 - S390 11 - S390X 12 - IA64 relation is one of the following: -1 - Invalid 0 - Any 1 - Equal 2 - Less 3 - Less or equal 4 - Greater 5 - Greater or equal 6 - Not equal 7 - None
resolvable_id INTEGER NOT NULL filename VARCHAR size INTEGER md5sum VARCHAR uid INTEGER gid INTEGER mode INTEGER mtime INTEGER ghost INTEGER link_target VARCHAR resolvable_id is the foreign key for ghost is either 0 or 1 (from RPM header). link_target is set if the entry is link.
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT name VARCHAR version VARCHAR release VARCHAR epoch INTEGER arch INTEGER relation INTEGER catalog VARCHAR glob VARCHAR importance INTEGER importance_gteq INTEGER arch: See dependencies.arch relation: See dependencies.relation catalog: importance: one of the following: -1 - Invalid 0 - Necessary 1 - Urgent 2 - Suggested 3 - Feature 4 - Minor importance_gteq is 1 if the importance should be greater or equal or 0 otherwise.
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT name VARCHAR version VARCHAR release VARCHAR epoch INTEGER arch INTEGER file_size INTEGER installed_size INTEGER catalog VARCHAR installed INTEGER local INTEGER install_only INTEGER arch: See dependencies.arch. catalog: local: 1 if resolvable is on local file system, 0 otherwise. install_only: Don't upgrade this resolvable, install it.
resolvable_id INTEGER NOT NULL section INTEGER summary VARCHAR description VARCHAR package_filename VARCHAR signature_filename VARCHAR resolvable_id is the foreign key for section: remove me. packages (SQL VIEW, read only) CREATE VIEW packages AS SELECT * FROM resolvables, package_details WHERE = package_details.resolvable_id;
action INTEGER id INTEGER details VARCHAR action: 0 - remove, 1 - install. id:
Last edit in Trac '02/03/06 11:44:57' by 'kkaempf'
Last edit in Trac '02/03/06 11:44:57' by 'kkaempf'
Last edit in Trac '02/03/06 11:44:57' by 'kkaempf'
Last edit in Trac '02/03/06 11:44:57' by 'kkaempf'