Libzypp/ZMD/ZMD7.1/tables/package details

< Libzypp‎ | ZMD‎ | ZMD7.1‎ | tables
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	resolvable_id INTEGER NOT NULL
	rpm_group VARCHAR
	summary VARCHAR
	description VARCHAR
package_url VARCHAR
	package_filename VARCHAR
	signature_filename VARCHAR
file_size INTEGER
install_only INTEGER
media_nr INTEGER

= resolvable_id is the foreign key for


= package_url will be added and it should be set by the helper without the base url so that the daemon could construct the full path from url + "/" + package_url. After downloading the package, zmd fills in package_filename with the full path on the local file system.


= package_filename if NULL then ZMD knows how to get to the package. if set, the backend is supposed to retrieve the actual package. =(For remote repositories (ftp, http, ...), ZMD is responsible for the download and the backend should set this attribute to NULL.
For local repositories (cd, dvd, nfs, ...), the backend will know how to access the package.) = signature_filename is unused (set to NULL)


= file_size is the size of the RPM


= install_only if 1, install with rpm -i instead of rpm -U


= media_nr media number where the actual .rpm package can be found

packages (SQL VIEW, read only)
	CREATE VIEW packages AS SELECT * FROM resolvables, package_details
	WHERE = package_details.resolvable_id;

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Last edit in Trac '03/10/06 17:54:38' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '03/10/06 17:54:38' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '03/10/06 17:54:38' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '03/10/06 17:54:38' by 'kkaempf'