
Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Driver update needed for installation

It will be a normal Add-On like a Service-Pack, SDK or CD6 for SuSE Linux, means a product which contains only the new kernel RPMs as installation source.

The installation workflow will be:

  • Customer loads driverupdate with F5
  • Installation will be started. In the Add-On Registration dialog, customer has to register the driver update add-on product.
  • YaST2 will use the driver add-on media as a normal installation source and select the kernel RPMs if necessary.
  • /content will contain a YUM URL which will be registered later after network check for updates. This part is WIP, not fully implemented/fixed.

So later YaST2 has two additional installation sources beside the Main product: The driver update add-on media and the YUM update repository.

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Last edit in Trac '03/30/06 15:21:02' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '03/30/06 15:21:02' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '03/30/06 15:21:02' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '03/30/06 15:21:02' by 'kkaempf'