Kullanıcı:The daemon

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Daemon vv.jpg

Marco Michna aka daemon

About me

Yes, I was born ... long ago ('echo $(((`date +%s` - 14860920) / 31557600))') in a small town close to Bremen.
The name of the town is Delmenhorst.
Amazing that I was allowed to go to school - so I had different schools :)
During school I was mostly interested in chemics and had a real nice talk about "acids". Beside acids I was good in building 'fireworks' :)
By accident I learned how to fix the electric stuff in cars and everything with 4 or more than 4 wheels.
I also know how to handle 'big guns' and I can drive a Leopard 1A5.
After that I learned to sell stuff to people - I was that good that I could sell a dead granny and a shovel to dig the hole ...
And then this strange looking, green thing took me away :)

My life at SuSE

Jan 3rd 2000 was my first day at S.u.S.E.
I started as a supporter (mainly all stuff) and specialized on printers and other weird stuff.
During the time when I was a supporter, I also have been to a lot of trade fairs like CeBIT or LinuxTag.
I also made fun out of it to be Henne's secretary.

I'm a proud member of the (Q)A-Team since August 2003.
My part at the Quality Assurance Team is to be everywhere :)

My favorite stuff:

  • hardcore tests with Oracle
  • biiiiiiig machines (never trust a computer that you can lift)
  • and a lot of other things eg creating funny testcases to bother the developers :)

I do not only work for SuSE - I live SuSE ... always having a lot of fun ...


  • Regular at #suse on FreeNode and webmaster of suse-irc.org
  • user meetings smeet
  • compiling and packaging games from Game Tome (for internal use only, ATM)
  • voice in-/output (please help to support Blinux)
  • Books and documentation (BTW ... have a look at Millin Verlag (IMHO German only ... sorry)

activities (!=Linux)

  • I LOVE to play games (eg ut2k4, NWN and Guild Wars).
  • I am addicted to music (still need to buy some stuff for my Rolands :))
  • german history
  • Geek toys like the Robosapien
  • PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY all the time! :)


My private webpage is at http://hausb.org - but there's really no reason to go there now.

Contact info:

  • Email: mmichna@suse.de (please use 'opensuse' in the subject)
  • ICQ: 121183848
  • IM: [daemon] @ freenode (IRC) in #suse and #opensuse