ZLM Client Detail
The ZENworks Linux Management Client <agent> is written in C# (Mono), supports apt, open carpet, Red Carpet and ZENworks Linux Management software repositories. Software packages are presented to users in easy-to-understand groupings. A simple subscription metaphor is used to present software to end-users.
The client runs as a system daemon. It has a modular architecture and both command line and graphical user interfaces. The ZENworks Linux Management Agent runs as root. This provides it with the file system access required to perform its management functions on the device
Dosya:Example.jpg <Insert architectural illustration>.
ZENworks Management Daemon (novell-zmd)
This is the core of the ZENworks agent. It provides communications layer of the agent, which allows the agent to talk HTTPS to the ZLM server. It also provides a listener on TC so that the ZLM server can initiate client action. The ZENworks Management Daemon is implemented as a .NET application that is hosted on top of Mono, the open source implementation of the Microsoft .NET framework. The ZLM Agent installation installs the Mono components if they are not already present on the Managed Device. For more information about Mono refer to the Mono Homepage http://www.mono-project.com
The major functions of the ZENworks Linux Management Agent, each implemented by a separate plug-in to zmd, are:
- Package Management Service - Inventory Service - TESS (Scheduler) - Logging - Policy Service - Remote Management Interfaces (SOAP / .NET)
The ZENworks Agent (zmd) maintains a cache that stores the content of bundles that are downloaded for installation on that managed device. You can control the age of contents in the cache and its size by using cache settings. Cache cleanup is enforced on both client startup and refresh. Cache settings can be configured using the ZLM Agent command line interface (rug).
ZLM Agent Graphical User Interface:
The Package Management functionality of the client is exposed both via a GUI and command line interface. The GUI consists of three applets, the Software Installer, Updater and Remover.
These three easy-to-use desktop applets provide users with the ability to update existing software, install new software, or remove existing software from their managed devices. These three desktop applets replace the user interface clients used in previous versions of ZENworks Linux Management.
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Software Updater:
Before you can use the use the Software Updater, you need to configure it to check package sources for updates. Start the Software Updater and select the "Add Service" option. Supported Service Types are YUM, RCE, ZENworks and user-mounted sources. After the services are added you can select catalogs those sources to be checked for updates.
Launch the Software Updater by navigating to /opt/novell/zenworks/bin and running zen-updater with root privileges. At startup, the Software Updater automatically checks for updates to your system from the sources/catalogs specified in the Software Updater configuration.
The Software Updater icon appears in the notification area (GNOME) or the system tray (KDE) of your panel as an icon depicting a globe, which changes to an orange circle with an exclamation point in it when updates are available. To obtain available updates click on the Software Updater icon and select the updates you want to apply.
The first time you exit the Software Updater, you will be asked if you want it to load on startup. If you choose Yes, you can access the Software Updater from the notification area or system tray rather than by running zen-updater from the command line each time you want to launch the applet.
(The rug command-line utility also lets you perform software and user management through the ZENworks Agent on a managed device.)
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Software Installer
Network administrator can create catalogs containing optional software and assign them to users’ devices. Because software packages contained in catalogs are optional, users can choose whether or not to install the software. If an administrator has assigned catalogs to users’ devices, the catalogs display in the Software Installer.
Configuring the Installer: Before the Installer can be used it must be configured with the source or sources from which software will be obtained. Launch zen-installer from /opt/novell/zenworks/bin. Select the “Add Service” tab and enter required information. Supported types are YUM, RCE, ZENworks, and user-mounted sources. Click on the Catalogs tab and select the catalogs you will be installing from.
When the zen-installer is launched it will display the software available in the catalogs selected during configuration. You can then select the software you want installed.
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Software Remover
The Software Remover lets you remove software from a managed device. The utility is located in the /opt/novell/zenworks/bin directory. Run the utility and select the software you want to remove.
ZLM Agent Command Line Interface (rug)
The rug command line interface provides a detailed set of options to accomplish package management tasks. The rug utility lets you perform software and user management on a managed device. This command line interface is far more powerful than the ZLM Client GUI.
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