Want to see openSUSE, live in action? These are videos about openSUSE. Found or created your own openSUSE video? Post them here!
- The whole installation of openSUSE 10.3 (recording by Sascha, narrator Will, audiorecording & script mlasars)
- Installation part1
- Installation part2
- Partitioning (planed)
- Introduction to openSUSE 10.3's desktops
- openSUSE 10.3's GNOME Desktop Tour (Planned)
Making of the installation videos.
The videos show a openSUSE 10.3 installation inside a qemu virtual machine. The recording was done with vncrec (
Because the vnc server would disconnect the vnc recorder whenever the virtual machine reboots or switches its resolution qemus vnc functionally was not used. Instead a separate vncserver instance was created: vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 32 -pixelformat rgb888 :1
The session was then recorded with vncrec:
vncrec -record out.vnc :1
Unfortunately vncrecs mouse control makes it very hard to control the session therefore krdc was used to start qemu and control the installation inside the vnc session.
Once the installation had been finished the vnc capture file was converted to a ffvhuff (lossless) compressed avi file for easier editing. These files are several gigabytes in size. For this vnc2ffvhuff was used (
The avi files can for example be edited with avidemux, sound can be added with mencoders -audiofile option. Beware of size restrictions. YouTube only accepts 10 minutes of videos.
For the conversion into a format that can be used with youtube the final video was converted to flv with ffmpeg (ffmpeg needs to be compiled with lame for this to work) Ogg files can be created with ffmpeg2theora.