Screenshots/openSUSE 11.2
KDE 4.3
- OS11.2M7-kde-desktop.png
New and improved plasmoids
- OS11.2-separate-dashboard.png
Plasmoids on Dashboard
- OS11.2-kde-35-style.png
KDE 3.5 like configuration
- OS11.2-present-windows.png
Present Windows effect
- OS11.2-desktop-cube.png
Desktop Cube effect
- OS11.2-cover-switch.png
Cover Switch effect
- OS11.2-flip-switch.png
Flip Switch effect
- OS11.2-okular.png
Okular document viewer
- OS11.2-marble-openstreetmap.png
Marble showing OpenStreetmap
- OS11.2-marble-wallpaper.png
Marble desktop wallpaper plugin
- OS11.2RC2-Firefox-kde.png
KDE4 integration of Firefox
- OS11.2-ooo-kde4.png
KDE4 integration of
- OS11.2M7-gimp.png
Gimp is included on KDE Live-CDs
- OS11.2M7-yakuake.png
Yakuake terminal is on KDE Live-CDs
- OS11.2-arora-choqok.png
ChoqoK Twitter client & optional Arora web browser
- OS11.2-smolt.png
Smolt Qt Interface
GNOME 2.28
- 112m8Desktop.png
The new look of openSUSE 11.2
- 112m8DesktopMenu.png
The new desktop with menu
- 112AboutMeM8.png
New 'About Me' pref panel
- 112BansheeM8.png
Banshee Media Player 1.4
- 112BluetoothM8.png
The new Bluetooth configuration system
- 112BraseroM8.png
Creating a video DVD using Brasero
- 112M8Cheese.png
The updated Cheese webcam application
- 112m8Evolution-mail.png
Evolution Mail Client with new look
- 112m8Evolution-attachment.png
Creating a new mail with new attachment bar
- 112m8Firefox-Private Browsing.png
Firefox 3.5 private browsing feature
- 112m8F-Spot.png
Updated F-Spot Photo Viewer
- 112m8F-Spot-folder.png
Folder view of photos in F-Spot
- 112m8F-SpotFlickr.png
Exporting photos to Flickr from F-Spot
- 112m8F-SpotScreensaver.png
Making F-Spot photos your screensaver
- 112m8GIMP.png
The GIMP professional photo editor
- 112m8Liferea.png
The Liferea news reader with new Google Reader sync
- 112m8MenuImprovement.png
You can now clear or remove files from Recently Viewed Files
- 112m8Notifications.png
Take control of how you are notified of events on your computer
- 112m8PowerMenu.png
See your battery levels at a glance
- 112m8PowerStats.png
Take a look at how your battery charge level has changed over time
- 112Updates.png
The new software updates window
- 112m8SoftwareUpdatePrefs.png
Now you can control bandwidth by limiting software updates over mobile (cellular) broadband networks
- 112m8Sound.png
Get easy access to sound settings
XFCE 4.6
- OS11.2-xfce-1.png
Xfce Menu
- OS11.2-xfce-2.png
- OS11.2-xfce-3.png
- OS11.2-xfce-4.png
Logout Screen
Live-CD Installer
- OS11.2RC2-live-install1.png
Welcome and license
- OS11.2RC2-live-install2.png
Clock and Time zone selection
- OS11.2RC2-live-install3.png
Clock and Time zone selection, example 2
- OS11.2RC2-live-install4.png
Partitioning, step 1
- OS11.2RC2-live-install5.png
Create New User
- OS11.2RC2-live-install6.png
optional step, setting Root password
- OS11.2RC2-live-install7.png
Review settings
- OS11.2RC2-live-install8.png
Confirm to proceed
- OS11.2RC2-live-install9.png
And voila! Off we go, the install is on!
- OS11.2RC2-live-install10.png
Reboot to complete the installation.
DVD Installation
- OS11.2M7-install1.png
- OS11.2M7-install2.png
- OS11.2M7-install3.png
- OS11.2RC2-install4.png
- OS11.2RC2-yast2-control-center-qt.png
Qt4-based YaST Control Center
- OS11.2RC2-partitioner.png
Improved partition interface
- OS11.2RC2-yast-qt-sq mgt-repos.png
GUI option to keep packages
- OS11.2RC2-yast-qt-sq mgt-views.png
Configurable YaST-Qt view layout
- OS11.2-yast-online-repos.png
Online Repositories
- OS11.2-yast-webpin.png
Online Package Search
System Repair Tools
- OS11.2-repair1.png
- OS11.2-repair2.png
Automatic Repair
- OS11.2-repair3.png
Customized Repair
- OS11.2-repair4.png
Expert Tools