SDB:Screenshot of a console

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara


You want to save the content of a console to a file or handle it in another way.


You'll see the image of the terminals in the device files vcs and vcsa. You can access them as user root. When you'd like to see the content of e.g. console three, you'll find it in /dev/vcs3:

linux:~ # cat /dev/vcs3 
Welcome to SuSE Linux 7.1 (i386) - Kernel 2.4.0-4GB (tty3). 
linux login: root 
Last login: Fri Mar 23 10:41:40 on tty2 
Have a lot of fun... 
linux:~ # 

The device files vsaX contain the content of the consoles and the attributes of the terminal.
