SDB:Problems Caused by the Boot Parameter Desktop

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 9.0


You notice some general problems during or after the installation. For example:

  • Performance problems
  • Stability problems
  • Problems when configuring the graphical interface
  • Several hardware components cannot be configured


The boot parameter desktop used to optimize the system performance may result in stability problems in some cases.


  1. Start the YaST2 Control Center and select the "System" section.
  2. Select the option "Boot Loader Configuration" from the window on the right.
  3. Select the option "Available Sections" from the window "Boot Loader Configuration" and press Edit.
  4. Select the entry Linux from the window "Sections Management" (if not preselected) and press Edit again.
  5. Select the entry kernel in the same window and click on Edit.Value

Attention: If you have deleted this line (e.g. by accidentally hitting the DEL key or a letter), press Cancel. Otherwise, the required configuration will not be applied and you will not be able to start your computer!

  1. To edit the line, click on it with the mouse or press one of the arrow keys (right or left).
  2. Now move the cursor to the right with the arrow key until it is placed at the beginning of the word desktop.
  3. Then press the DEL key until desktop is deleted. Make sure you do not delete the other entries.
  4. Confirm all dialogs with OK or Finish and restart your computer.

Alternatively, you can change the boot loader configuration manually. To do this, open the file


as root user with an editor of your choice and remove the entry desktop from the line beginning with the parameter kernel.

If you use lilo as your boot loader, the changes must be made in the file /etc/lilo.conf.

For a detailed explanation of the desktop parameter, refer to the article:

SDB:Balancing Interactivity with SuSE Linux 9.0
