SDB:Message: Can't locate module char-major-108
Version: 6.3
Either when you boot SuSE, or when you look in the file /var/log/messages
, you see the following message:
modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-108
The PPP Daemon is capable of supporting generic devices (such as /dev/ppp), however, the current kernel version (in SuSE 6.3) is not. This feature will be available in future kernels. Even though the PPP Daemon complains about not being able to find this device, it still works fine.
This message is not caused by an error, and it can therefore be safely ignored. <keyword>6.3,analog,boot,char,char-major-108,error,kernel,modem,module,ppp,pppd,wvdial</keyword>