SDB:Installation of Lotus Domino Server R5

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 6.3 - 7.3


You want to install Domino Server R5 on SuSE Linux.

To do so, it is necessary, to deactivate some network services, ususally activated in a SuSE Linux dafeult installation.


  1. Do a fresh installation of SuSE Linux, the Minimum System is sufficient.
    Attention: With SuSE Linux 6.4 please install the package compat, series a, too! It is not selected by default in Minimum System.
  2. Create a new group named "notes" as well as a new user named "notes", belonging to this group, using YaST.
  3. Edit the file /etc/inetd.conf. Comment out the services pop3, imap and nntp.
  4. Edit the file /etc/rc.config. Set the variables START_HTTPD and SMTP to "no".
  5. Restart the network subsystem using the commands init 1 followed by either init 2 or init 3 if your machines uses the graphical login.
  6. Now you may download an evaluation version of Lotus Domino Server from You may have to register.
  7. Install this file to a directory of your choice, e.g.
mkdir /tmp/dominoinstall
Save the file CW7TGIE.tar to this directory and start the installation (as user root):
cd /tmp/dominoinstall
tar xvf CW7TGIE.tar
cd linux
The installation routine asks you to accept the licence and asks for the type of installation (mail, application or enterprise server), the path to the installation directory and your user data.
A typical example of default settings follows: (output of installer routine) Installation settings: Installation type  : Domino Enterprise Server Program directory  : /opt/lotus Data directory  : /local/notesdata UNIX user  : notes UNIX group  : notes Now the installation itself starts.
  1. Now the servr has to be configured: To do so, please log in as user "notes". Add the program and data directories to the search path of user "notes". With the above example it should look like
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/lotus/bin:/local/notesdata
(It is likely, that you add this line to the user notes' ~/.bashrc file.)
After that you may start the setup server: cd /local/notesdata /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup The server prints out some messages, like these: ***************************************** * Lotus Domino Server Setup * * To setup this server, please connect * * your web browser to port 8081 * * Example: * ***************************************** 02/03/2000 11:38:24 AM JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized. 02/03/2000 11:38:24 AM HTTP Web Server started
  1. All further configuration can be made using your web browser. Please connect to port 8081 of your Lotus Domino Server, like teh example in the above message.
    There please anable all services you desire and supply both a server names and a passwords. After finishing the configuration the setup server stops automatically.
  2. Now the server may be started: please log in as user "notes" adn start the server:
cd /local/notesdata
Some status messages will be printed and a prompt appears.
Cangratulations! Your Server is up and running!
  1. Now the server is reachable with any browser, like this:
The start screen is displayed. If you would like to configure something (administrator), choose the following address:
You have to log in as administrator. Afterwards you may proceed with further configuration.
