SDB:Installation of "foreign" RPM's goes wrong

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara


You want to install a package under SuSE Linux, because it's not included in our distribution. But this goes wrong, because another package is also needed.


RPM's from the internet or from other manufacturers are mostly that way, that they should run on all Linux systems. However the package names are not the same on all Linux systems, resp. the release numbers are not always matching. Example: glibc


You can find out, if a package is installed, e.g. with command rpm:

rpm -q libc

Some packages coercible need a package glibc, that is called libc under SuSE. To force the installation of a package you can use the parameter "--nodeps":

rpm -ihv --nodeps j2sdk-1_3_0.linux.rpm

But you shouldn't try this that way principally. It is to say, that it could occur sometimes, that some files are not yet installed, which are really needed. If the package requires any more packages or files, the easieast way is to search for these at file ARCHIVES.gz on the first CD. There is located a listing of all packages and included files of the whole distribution. <keyword>rpm,installation,sun,jdk,java,glibc</keyword>