SDB:Installation Does Not Start

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara


The installation cannot be started. When booting from the SUSE LINUX CD/DVD, no image is displayed or the installation hangs at a later stage (before the installation settings dialog appears). No error messages are displayed.


The cause is not evident, as no error messages are displayed.


Keep the Shift key pressed while booting. In this way, the rudimentary hardware detection of syslinux (the boot loader used on the CD/DVD) is suppressed.

Instead of a graphical boot menu, a text-based boot menu should be displayed.

Select the option that starts the installation. In SUSE LINUX 9.1 the option is "linux".

Ideally, the installation will proceed without any further problems. But even if this is not the case, you should now be able to see any error messages while loading the kernel. <keyword>installation,syslinux</keyword>