Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 8.0 - 9.0


You want to use your IDE CD writer with SuSE Linux.


Disable the IDE support for the CD writer

First, disable the IDE support for the corresponding drive.

The following section applies to SuSE Linux versions up to 8.0 (YaST1):

Log in as root and start YaST1 by clicking the YaST1 icon on the KDE taskbar. Since YaST1 does not support the mouse, browse through the menus with the cursor keys. Use the Enter key to confirm and the Escape (Esc) key to abort.

First select "System administration" -> "Kernel and Boot configuration" -> "LILO configuration". Now insert the following in the "Appendline" (see below).

The following section applies to SuSE Linux 8.0 (YaST2):

Log in as root and start the YaST2 Control Center. First select "System", then "Boot loader configuration". Click the item "Modify current configuration" then "Next".

Do not change the preset values in the next mask "Where should the boot loader be installed?". On the following mask, click "Expert settings" then "Add options".

A new window opens: "Implement new option". The option name is already predetermined with "Append". Click the "Option value" field and insert the following.

The remaining procedure is identical for all versions:

Insert the following:

into the "Appendline", replacing X with the device label of your CD drive.
hda = primary master (usually the hard disk)
hdb = primary slave
hdc = secondary master (usually the CD drive)
hdd = secondary slave

Search for ide in the file /var/log/boot.msg to find out to what controller your drive is attached. If there are already some entries in the append line, add

to them separated with a blank.

If you still have one or more additional IDE CD drives (not necessarily CD writers), you will have to make entries for each of them (separated with blanks).

Load the SCSI emulation

To open a console from KDE, click the icon of the monitor with the shell on the toolbar or press [ALT]+[F2] and enter 'xterm'. If you are not logged in as user root, type

su -
and enter the root password. Now open the file
(/sbin/init.d/boot.local up to 7.1) and append the following line:
/sbin/modprobe ide-scsi

This will be similar to:

 #! /bin/sh
 # Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany.  All rights reserved.
 # Author: Florian La Roche , 1996
 #         Werner Fink , 1996
 #         Burchard Steinbild , 1996
 # /sbin/init.d/boot.local
 # script with local commands to be executed from init on system startup
 . /etc/rc.config
 # Here you should add things, that should happen directly after booting
 # before we're going to the first run level.
 /sbin/modprobe ide-scsi

Correct the settings for the CD drive

Due to the SCSI emulation, the kernel does not recognize the CD drive as an IDE device (which is therefore no longer known as /dev/hdc but as /dev/sdc0). During the installation, a link will be automatically created letting the system know that the CD drive (at this stage CD writers are still viewed as such) is located at /dev/hdc.
However, the CD drive icons on the KDE desktop point to /dev/cdrom -- not to the CD drive or CD writer, but to nowhere. To change this, proceed as follows: Enter the following command in the terminal:

ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrecorder
This creates the new link for the CD recorder. If you use a second CD drive with SCSI emulation, you will also need
ln -sf /dev/scd1 /dev/cdrom
If your first drive is the CD-ROM and the second is the writer, just swap scd0 and scd1 above. To mount the drives correctly, edit the file  /etc/fstab . Change the CD writer line to
/dev/cdrecorder  /media/cdrecorder   auto   ro,noauto,user,exec  0  0

The CD drive line should be similar to

/dev/cdrom       /media/cdrom        auto   ro,noauto,user,exec  0  0
For versions up to 7.2, leave /media out and write /cdrecorder or /cdrom only.

If you use KDE, check with the right mouse button if the properties for the device /dev/cdrecorder or /dev/cdrom are already set.

After rebooting your system, the SCSI emulation will work and you will be able to use your CD writer. <keyword>koncd,writer,burner,atapi,xcdroast,ide-scsi,recorder</keyword>