SDB:Home Banking with Linux
Version: 7.3
You want to use home banking with SuSE Linux.
This article provides you with some information concerning the availability of home banking software or finance software for Linux. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you have experience or tips regarding this subject, please do not hesitate to send a message to the author (see below). We will gladly include references or links to pertinent workflows in this article. We do not provide any support for software from other providers. Refer directly to the manufacturer with queries.
Personal Finance Manager Software in SuSE Linux:
The current version of SuSE Linux contains, for instance, the finance software packages GNUcash and Moneydance. Since the GNUcash version 1.8.0, it complies with the openHBCI standard, so now you have the choice to use open source software for home banking with Linux in Germany.
Commercial Home Banking Software for Linux (HBCI):
The program "Moneyplex" by "Matrica" supports the HBCI standard ("Home Banking Computer Interface") on Linux.
SuSE Linux 8.2 contains a full version of it, but only in German only.
Additional Information:
A very interesting article regarding home banking with Konqueror can be found at
An article in German published in Linux Magazin 12/99 (worth reading even today) is available at the Linux Magazin home page. <keyword>homebanking,hbci,moneyplex,matrica,money,account,moneydance,gnucash</keyword>