SDB:Collecting CD-Writer Information

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 1.0 -


You would like to submit information on your CD-writer and its configuration to the SuSE Advanced Support Service.


Please proceed as follows:

  1. Start your Linux system.
  2. Log in as a user and start your desktop.
  3. In KDE, press the key combination ALT+F2.
  4. Enter "xterm" in the box.
  5. Click on "Execute".
  6. A new window will pop up; enter the command "su".
  7. Now enter the root password.
  8. Enter the command "cd /tmp".

Now enter the following commands:

cat /var/log/boot.msg > info.txt
cat /etc/init.d/boot.local >> info.txt
cat /etc/lilo.conf >> info.txt
cat /etc/fstab >> info.txt
lsmod >> info.txt
cdrecord -scanbus >> info.txt
cat /proc/scsi/scsi >> info.txt
ls -l /dev/cdrecorder /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd >> info.txt
grep INITRD_MODULES /etc/rc.config >> info.txt
hwinfo --cdrom >> info.txt

In this way you have created the file /tmp/info.txt. This file contains the information on your CD-writer. Please send the contents of this text file in ASCII format to Do not use any encoded attachments! Please enclose your registration code. Wait for the confirmation SuSE that your e-mail has been received, then call the SuSE Advanced Support Service. You will find information on telephone numbers and prices under the following URL: <keyword>0190,writer,support,information</keyword>