SDB:Automount CD/DVD with ivman

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 10.1 -


Your CD/DVD will not be automounted if you do not use KDE/Gnome as a window manager.


You have to install "ivman" and start it as an user.

Install the software package "ivman": Start YaST2, select "Software" and start the module "Software Management". In the "Search" textfield enter "ivman" click on "Search" and check the box in front of the package name. Then click "Accept" and install the package. Select "No" when YaST2 asks "Install or remove more packages?".

As user now start "ivman" with the command


Bug in 10.1 original "ivman" package

Due to a bug in 10.1 original "ivman" package you have to copy the content of the directory




by the command

cp -a /etc/ivman ~/.ivman

before starting "ivman".

Start on login

If you want to start "ivman" when login to window manager you can add the start command to your ".xinitrc".

If you do not have a file


just copy the example file

cp ~/.xinitrc.template ~/.xinitrc

and add to this section:

# Add your own lines here...

the following line:

