SDB:An error occured during installation
During the installation of packages with YaST2 suddenly a window appears with the message:
An error occured during installation
There could be several reasons for this.
Please have look at the text consoles 3 and 4, when this message appears. You can get there by pressing Control + Alt + F3 or Control + Alt + F4. There all (error) messages and warning from the system during installation are shown. You can get back to YaST2 by pressing Alt + F7.
For example the CD may be broken. In this case please test if it's possible to copy the package, where the installation stopped, on another computer or operating system.
If that works the failure of the installation on an IDE system may depend on the settings of the PIO mode for the CD-ROM drive. You can change the setting of the PIO mode in your motherboards BIOS. Please read the manual of the mainboard to find out the location for this setting. For testing set the PIO mode to 0.
A source of numerous problems are unfortunately defects in the hardware. Errors caused by this are typically not reproducible, i.e. if you try a procedure for a second time it may work without difficulties. Apparently defective memory modules are common. Especially systems with fast PC 133 or PC 100 SDRAM are affected. Please have also a look at the article SDB:General Hardware Problems
If that also fails, please contact our installation support. In that case report all messages on console 3 and 4 as exactly as possible. The address or phone number for installation support can be found at or in appendix H of your SuSE Linux manual. <keyword>error,occured,during,installation,message,red,yast2</keyword>