SDB:AOL Connection Not Possible With Linux

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara


You want to configure your Internet access with AOL.


Currently it is not possible to configure an Internet access with AOL under Linux.

AOL still uses a specific, not freely available protocol.

As opposed to Compuserve (an AOL subsidiary at the time of writing this article) and T-Online, a PPP connection is not possible at present. According to AOL, only Microsoft and Apple platforms are supported.

Update as of January 2004:

In the mean time, there is an Open Source project whose aim is to make the use of AOL possible:

Please note that SUSE LINUX AG bears no connection whatsoever with this website and thus, no support for this subject will be provided within the scope of the free-of-charge installation support.

To find out more about AOL and Linux, launch a search in your favorite search engine using the keywords:

aol linux
