Pattern Metadata YaST

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Pattern (.pat) files

Attributes of Patterns

  • Name, Version, Release, Architecture
    The architecture restricts the pattern to systems supporting this architecture but no better architecture.
  • Summary, Description
    A short and a long user-readable explanation
  • Group
    A group (or category) this pattern belongs to. Used when displaying patterns in a tree-like widget to the user.
  • Sort oder
    How to order the presentation of multiple pattern within the same group
  • Requires, Provides, Obsoletes, Conflicts, Recommends, Suggests, ...
    Targetting other patterns or packages.

Syntax of pattern files

Pattern files are very similar to Selections but have a different file name extension .pat (instead of .sel) They also don't have language specific information.

Keyword Value Comment
=Ver: Syntax version Minimal parser version needed to parse this file.
Should be set to 5.0 for Code10
=Pat: name version release architecture All four values are mandatory
=Sum: summary one line label in default language
=Sum.lang: summary one line language specific label
description Multi line description in default language
description Multi line description, language specific
=Cat: category one line user-visible category grouping different patterns (in default language)
=Cat.lang: summary one line language specific category
=Ico: icon icon name
if no icon name is specified, the pattern name will be used instead (with blanks in the name replaced by underscores "_")
".png" will be appended, if there is no ".png" or ".jpg" extension
if no path is specified, icons are looked up in the theme icon path (first /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/32x32/apps/, then /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/48x48/apps/)
relative paths are assumed to be relative to the theme path (/usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/)
absolute paths are allowed, too
=Vis: visibility visibility of selection (for user interface)
=Ord: ordering order of selection (for user interface)
This three-digit-integer-value defines the order of the selection when listing multiple patterns in the user interface
pattern patterns required for installation
pattern patterns provided
pattern patterns conflicting
pattern patterns obsoleted
pattern recommended patterns
pattern supplemented patterns
pattern suggested patterns
packages list list of required (must) packages to install
(see below)
packages list list of recommended (should) packages to install
packages list list of suggested (may) packages to install
pattern freshened patterns