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Add YaST Packages Repositories

The download version of SUSE Linux only contains open source software (OSS). If you need additional packages, use the following package repositories.

To add one as an installation source, start YaST, go to Change Source of Installation, and press Add. There, first select the protocol and, on the next page, enter the server and the directory as listed below. Make sure that the directory matches your version.

Proprietary Packages

Some proprietary components, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, RealNetwork RealPlayer, Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Macromedia Flash Player are available. You can install them after installation by adding the following repository to the installation sources in YaST.

For SUSE Linux 10.1:

These packages are also available as sixth Addon-CD which can be added during or after installation.

For SUSE Linux 10.0 OSS:

Note: this might also contain packages that depend on Java (e.g., ant, eclipse, tomcat, etc. ).

For the Development Version:

None available yet.

Other Repositories

There are several other YaST package repositories available. They commonly provide software that is not supported or is just newer than the official openSUSE packages. For a list of these repositories, refer to Additional YaST Package Repositories.