Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

The NVIDIA drivers can't be integrated into SUSE because of their license. Fortunately for new users, SUSE provides a script to install the NVIDIA drivers. This script doesn't work all the time as it's expected to do. I don't know why. If the script doesn't work, this is the right place to start.

Download NVIDIA Drivers

First of all, if you tried using the script then you can find the NVIDIA installer package in /usr/share/doc/nvidia If the installer package is not there go to NVIDIA Download Page, and get the latest drivers for your computer.

Install the drivers

If you are in runlevel 5, go to runlevel 3 by typing the following comand as root in one of the consoles

telinit 3

Now go to the directory containing the drivers.




Now simply type the following and follow instructions

sh NVIDIA-Linux-<arch>-<version>-<build>-<pkg#>.run -q

Configure X.org

The next step is to configure the X.org to use the new nvidia drivers. To do this, type the following

sax2 -m 0=nvidia

Sax2 will start it's configuration program in X. You can do more tweaking here, but this is your option. With 10.0 you won't need to specify -m 0=nvidia any more, sax automatically detects and uses it if you activate 3D acceleration.

Legacy chipset support

Both SUSE 10.0 and 10.1 support the legacy NVIDIA chipsets (TNT, GeForce 256, GeForce 2 GTS, etc...) via the open source "nv" driver, which unfortunately means degraded performance. In order to enable accelerated 3D support on these older cards via the closed source driver from NVIDIA, driver version 1.0-7174 has to be used.

Unfortunately, this driver no longer compiles against Linux kernel 2.6.16 source code, therefore it has to be patched in order to be used with SUSE 10.1. The patch can be downloaded here: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0-opensuse-10.1-i386.patch. First, download the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0.run driver from NVIDIA. To patch the file execute the following steps from the terminal

cd directory/where/you/saved/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0.run
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0.run --extract-only
cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0
patch -p1 < path/to/the/patch/file
cd ..

sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0/usr/bin/makeself.sh \
--target-os Linux --target-arch x86 \
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0 \
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0-patched.run \
"legacy NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 1.0-7174" \
cp NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0/usr/src/nv/makedevices.sh /usr/sbin
echo /usr/sbin/makedevices.sh >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

The following information was taken from the Nvidia Installer HOWTO. Besides patching the driver, it is also necessary to remove the /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia file because it specifies incompatible driver options. Additionally, since driver 1.0-7174 doesn't support udev, it is necessary to generate all of its device files statically. On SUSE 10.0 this can be accomplished easily by adding the following lines to the /etc/udev/static_devices.txt file:

nvidia0 c 195 0 666
nvidia1 c 195 1 666
nvidia2 c 195 2 666
nvidia3 c 195 3 666
nvidia4 c 195 4 666
nvidia5 c 195 5 666
nvidia6 c 195 6 666
nvidia7 c 195 7 666
nvidiactl c 195 255 666

Since SUSE 10.1/SLES10/SLED10 do the following:

mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia0 c 195 0
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia1 c 195 1
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia2 c 195 2
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia3 c 195 3
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia4 c 195 4
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia5 c 195 5
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia6 c 195 6
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidia7 c 195 7
mknod -m 666 /lib/udev/devices/nvidiactl c 195 255

Prior to installing the NVIDIA driver you have to shut down the X server. The easiest way to do this is to switch to the Linux console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 and logging in as root. Then type

telinit 3

to switch to a runlevel without X window system login support. You can install the driver as follows

sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7174-pkg0-patched.run -q

Once the driver has been successfully installed, take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf to make sure that the "nvidia" driver is being used instead of the opensource "nv" driver. To see whether the X server is able to start up, type X on the console and press Enter. You should see the NVIDIA logo on a white screen. To quit the X server hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. If you've gotten this far successfully, you can safely switch to runlevel 5. Type in the following on the command line

telinit 5; exit

See also

External links