Yansı Altyapısı

(Mirror Infrastructure sayfasından yönlendirildi)
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Bu belge ftp.opensuse'un içeriğini yansıtmak için farklı yolları ve resmi bir yansının nasıl kurulacağını tarif eder.

Public Servers


This server offers public access via rsync protocol to the ftp.opensuse.org content. It is currently limited to 50 concurrent connections, so you might not get always access to it. Various mirror hosts do also offer rsync services.

rsync modules

general ftp.opensuse.org modules:

opensuse-full: This rsync module provides the complete content of ftp.opensuse.org, except the SL-OSS-factory directory. The reason to exclude this directory is the frequent updates inside. We recommend using drpmsync to update this directory instead, it decreases the traffic to less than 10% compared to rsync.
opensuse-full-with-factory: The same as the previous one including the SL-OSS-factory directory containing the Factory Distribution. Again, we do not recommend using this module. You can exclude the "drpmsync" directory, if you do not plan to run a drpmsync server.
opensuse-stable: Only the last stable released version of SUSE Linux gets mirrored. An update happens once every 6 months.
opensuse-current: Only the last development snapshot (Alpha, Beta or RC). An update happens every month in the Alpha Phase and every week in the Beta phase.

modules for mirroring the Build Service repositories:

Updates do happen all the time, whenever a repository from the Build Service got rebuild and updated. It is also possible to get the updates pushed.

buildservice-repos: The complete content
buildservice-repos-main: Everything, but not the home: projects of the users


drpmsync is a sync services for the Factory Distribution. It does reduce the transfer heavily by transmitting only xdelta data, if the local rpm is not older than 1 month.

drpmsync provides access to the SL-OSS-factory directory only. This directory contains always the latest build of the distribution. This means it can also contain an inconsistent or very broken state. It is useful for developers to fetch the latest code or for testers to validate the latest version.

A drpmsync client can get found in the make deltarpm package from http://download.opensuse.org/tools/drpmsync/ and it can be called with this line for example:

  drpmsync drpmsync.opensuse.org:8888/Factory /my/directory

Please note that drpmsync.opensuse.org might be under heavy load, we do look for public mirrors who want also to run a drpmsync server. Please contact us, if you do want to run one as well.

Access for registered servers


Some dedicated mirrors get access to stage.opensuse.org. This server provides the updated content of ftp.opensuse.org before the official release and has a higher transfer rate than the public servers. You may want to register for access at mailto:ftpadmin@suse.de, if your mirror has at least a 100MBit connection. This server provides as well rsync and drpmsync services.

Pushing support for Build Service updates

stage.opensuse.org does also host all content from the Build Service. Since the updates do happen all the time, whenever a new package set got builded it is also possible to get the content pushed instead. The obvious disadvantage is that your server needs to allow to write the packages for stage.opensuse.org. The advantages of that method are that

  • the mirror is almost always uptodate,
  • no need to run rsync calls via all repositories. The pushing will only update the repositories which have changed. This does reduce the IO load of the mirror a lot.
  • the http://software.opensuse.org/ redirection tool is aware that the packages got updated and can immediately redirect to the mirror.

How to become a pushed mirror ?

The usual way (but we can also support a different way) is to open a rsync module on your server, where stage.opensuse.org gets write access. A login and password is optionally possible, but not really needed. Please write a mail to mailto:ftpadmin@suse.de afterwards where you tell us:

  • the server name where to push
  • the rsync module to be used
  • an eventually needed account and password
  • What you want to mirror (everything or only some certain projects)
  • What the public download url will be.
  • Any kind of a special wish :)

Register Your Mirror

You may want to add your mirror to our official mirror list for the released versions or for the development builds. These are wiki pages, simply hit the "Edit" button on the bottom ;)