--- Log opened Tue Sep 12 17:59:29 2006
18:00 @<henne> Welcome to the openSUSE Status Meeting!
18:00 @<henne> This meeting is meant to discuss the latest developments in and around openSUSE.
18:00 @<henne> The topics of this meeting are:
18:00 @<henne> * Status 10.2
18:00 @<henne> * Status wiki
18:00 @<henne> * Status build service
18:00 @<henne> * Q/A session
18:01 @<henne> there we go
18:01 @<henne> AJaeger :)
18:01 <AJaeger> Thanks, Sir!
18:01 <AJaeger> I'd like to mention 10.1 as well, here's my short summary:
18:01 <AJaeger> * Alpha4 went out last week, Alpha5 will come on the 5th of October.
18:01 <AJaeger> With Alpha5 we will have a component freeze (no integration of new
18:01 <AJaeger> components like a new package manager), and do the first round of
18:01 <AJaeger> software translations (note: We now have a public subversion
18:01 <AJaeger> repository for this).
18:02 * AJaeger screams and ask why he went offline :-(((
18:02 <adrianS> "(Excess Flood)"
18:02 <cthiel> AJaeger: still using your borken kopete? :)
18:02 <AJaeger> cthiel: Sorry :-(
18:02 <cthiel> s/borken/broken/ of course.
18:03 <AJaeger> No, I'm using a 10.1 kopete on my 10.2 system.
18:03 <AJaeger> Let me try briefly again...
18:03 @<henne> well get over it and continue
18:03 * henne has a football game to watch
18:03 <AJaeger> Alpha4 went out last week, Alpha5 will come on the 5th of October.
18:03 <AJaeger> With Alpha5 we will have a component freeze (no integration of new
18:03 <AJaeger> components like a new package manager), and do the first round of
18:03 <AJaeger> software translations ( Alpha4 went out last week, Alpha5 will come on the 5th of October.
18:03 <AJaeger> With Alpha5 we will have a comp Alpha4 went out last week, Alpha5 will come on the 5th of October.
18:03 <AJaeger> With Alpha5 we will have a component freeze (no integration of new
18:03 <AJaeger> components like a new package manager), and do the first round of
18:03 <AJaeger> software translations (note: We now have a public subversion
18:03 <AJaeger> repository for this).onent freeze (no integration of new
18:03 <AJaeger> components like a new package manager), and do the first round of
18:03 <AJaeger> software translations (note: We now have a public subversion
18:03 <AJaeger> repository for this).note: We now have a public subversion
18:03 <AJaeger> repository for this).
18:03 * AJaeger screams again.
18:03 <Beineri> that looks broken though :-)
18:04 <adrianS> we got it in the first run
18:04 <AJaeger> Ok guys, I'm switching clients - please somebody take the next topic and I switch machines...
18:04 @<henne> jeesuus. get a decent client
18:04 <adrianS> simply go on
18:04 * Beineri proposes Konversation
18:04 * AJaeger is back in two minutes...
18:04 <adrianS> Status Wiki ?
18:05 @<henne> okay lets continue with topic 2 then
18:05 @<henne> status wiki
18:05 @<henne> adrianS?
18:05 <adrianS> There are not really any technical news around the wiki, it simply works ;)
18:05 @<henne> any ETA on the splah/index yet?
18:05 <adrianS> Martin is currently on tour, because Sonja gave over the evangelist job to him
18:05 <adrianS> so he is currently on presentation tour through germany
18:06 <adrianS> IIRC this week, but I do not know exactly
18:06 @<henne> okay so no real news on the wiki :)
18:06 <adrianS> But I can report back from Frank Sundermeyer for the protocoll later
18:06 <cthiel> henne: fs is back from vacation and will take over..
18:06 @<henne> okay
18:06 @<henne> lets see if we can get buildservice done before AJ comes back ;)
18:06 <cthiel> henne: so, we still need a little script bit to be able to launch the splash
18:07 <adrianS> Build Service:
18:07 <adrianS> 1. bugs: we do fight with our new build clients atm
18:07 <cthiel> henne: the frontpage redesign is WIP by martin, as he needs to coordinate the translation first.
18:07 @<henne> cthiel: okay. so no news
18:07 <adrianS> some jobs simply stall and we have to fix it manually atm
18:07 <adrianS> I hope we find the reason soon
18:07 @<henne> didnt we already fix that twice? :)
18:08 <adrianS> Beside of that we (Esp. Andreas Bauer and Michael Schroeder) are working on getting full local build support
18:08 <adrianS> and a way to remove projects
18:08 @<henne> is search done?
18:08 * henne did not look
18:08 <adrianS> 3rd big topic is to get kernels and maintainance packages injected automatically
18:09 <adrianS> together with a new kmp template we will be able to build kernel modules in the build service
18:09 <adrianS> So we will get a Kernel:Community project where everybody can build and host new drivers
18:09 <adrianS> I think this is it for now
18:10 <AJaeger> I'm back again...
18:10 @<henne> adrianS: is search done?
18:10 <adrianS> no, that does not yet really exist
18:10 <adrianS> however, one could implement it via the API afaik ;)
18:10 @<henne> ok
18:11 @<henne> what about ichains?
18:11 <adrianS> ah, also WIP
18:11 <adrianS> we reach the next Gate process
18:11 <adrianS> we fullfilled the test plan, I just need to do the bandwidth tests
18:11 @<henne> okay. sounds promising
18:12 @<henne> any questions regarding the buildservice and/or the wiki?
18:12 <rodrigo_lunch> yes, I'vbe got one
18:12 <adrianS> regarding the search again, only to be clear. The API can do search already, but we do not have any tools using it atm
18:12 @<henne> rodrigo_lunch: shoot
18:13 <rodrigo__> I've heard there are scripts to sync autobuild's kde and the build service
18:13 <rodrigo__> if they exist, can we do the same for GNOME?
18:13 @<henne> adrianS?
18:13 <adrianS> rodrigo__: this depends on the people, talk to jpr and gekker, they didn't want to do it when I asked two weeks ago
18:13 <rodrigo__> ah, ok :)
18:14 <adrianS> but they come to Nbg soon
18:14 <adrianS> we will raise the topic again, when they are here
18:14 <rodrigo__> yeah, me too :)
18:14 @<henne> then you raise the topic ;)
18:14 <rodrigo__> would it be possible then if they agree?
18:14 <adrianS> sure
18:14 <rodrigo__> I'll raise it right now on the other irc channel :)
18:14 <rodrigo__> ok, great
18:15 @<henne> any other questions?
18:15 <adrianS> PLease just ask, before you create any project
18:15 <adrianS> to avoid a later needed move
18:15 @<henne> okay i guess we can do status 10.X
18:15 @<henne> AJaeger try again ;)
18:16 * AJaeger tries and holds his breath :)
18:16 @<henne> .o0(hopefully his client has no K in the name)
18:16 <AJaeger> Alpha4 went out last week, Alpha5 will come on the 5th of October.
18:16 <AJaeger> With Alpha5 we will have a component freeze (no integration of new
18:16 <AJaeger> components like a new package manager), and do the first round of
18:16 <AJaeger> software translations (note: We now have a public subversion
18:16 <AJaeger> repository for this).
18:16 <AJaeger> We're still struggeling with the package manager update for 10.1.
18:16 <AJaeger> The last fix for script handling had a bug and we have to
18:16 <AJaeger> investigate further. We might also get patch/delta RPM support into
18:16 <AJaeger> zmd and integrate that (not yet clear when it will come and whether
18:16 <AJaeger> we take it).
18:16 <AJaeger> I would like especially your feedback on the patterns for openSUSE
18:16 <AJaeger> 10.2. Those are getting improved nearly daily, so check the factory
18:16 <AJaeger> install for details. I don't want to add too many patterns right now
18:16 <AJaeger> since the user interface is not optimal yet, we need to clean that up
18:16 <AJaeger> to show the patterns in a better way and I doubt we can do this for
18:16 <AJaeger> 10.2 in time.
18:17 <AJaeger> I'm very pleased about the feedback I got for Alpha4 but there's still much to do - especially my favourite application (kopete) is just broken ;-)
18:17 <AJaeger> Questions, comments?
18:17 @<henne> AJaeger: can you take the one from the Q/A?
18:17 <AJaeger> Ah - forgot to check before...
18:17 <AJaeger> Wait, will check...
18:17 @<henne> if 10.2 will be the last 10.x
18:17 @<henne> and whats the policy behind that
18:18 <AJaeger> The question was what the release number is after 10.2.
18:18 <AJaeger> My answer is: That's something that Michael L�fler normally defines. I'm currently planning to have a 10.3 followed by a 11.0. but it might be a 11.0 instead of a 10.3. Those are just marketing names.
18:19 @<henne> any other questions comments on 10.x?
18:19 @<henne> not?
18:20 <AJaeger> We do increase our number between enterprise releases. So, SUSE Linux Enterprise SErver 9 came out after 9.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 after 10.1 - and before SUSE Linux Enterprise SErver 11 hits the road we increase again.
18:20 <AJaeger> There's no formal policy.
18:20 <AJaeger> Really no questions?
18:20 <AJaeger> Then join me in discussion of patterns ("Software groupings") on the opensuse-factory mailing list!
18:20 <cboltz> A short one about yesterdays libzypp update in ~aj ;-)
18:21 <bgerber> where is the public svn you mentioned?
18:21 <cboltz> I am asked to install the libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2.1533-1 script in a loop - known bug?
18:21 * AJaeger is just searching his bookmarks...
18:21 <AJaeger> cboltz: Known blocker :-(
18:21 <AJaeger> bgerber: Check http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Suse-i18n and the opensuse-translation list.
18:22 <Beineri> follow the links on http://i18n.opensuse.org/ :-)
18:22 <bgerber> ok thanks
18:22 @<henne> i guess anyone got that we have two new mailinglists
18:22 <Beineri> why was the launch auf die Localization Portal not announced btw?
18:22 @<henne> opensuse-project@opensuse.org for project talk
18:22 @<henne> opensuse-bugs@opensuse.org that gets every single change in every bug
18:23 @<henne> Action Item Beineri: announce the Localization Portal
18:23 @<henne> or kick the docu wichtel to do it
18:23 <AJaeger> henne: Make that an action item for me if Beineri does not want it ;-)
18:23 * Beineri doesn't want ;-)
18:24 @<henne> Action Item AJaeger: announce the Localization Portal or kick the docu wichtel to do it
18:24 @<henne> any general questions?
18:25 @<henne> not?
18:25 <Beineri> news.opensuse.org? <gd&r>
18:26 @<henne> ?
18:26 <cboltz> AJaeger: AI is https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=205173
18:26 <Beineri> when will it carry news? it's linked in 10.1 :-(
18:26 @<henne> adrianS/cthiel do you know?
18:27 <cthiel> -ENOCLUE
18:27 * AJaeger thanks cboltz
18:27 <adrianS> henne: the original plan was to use a mediawiki feature
18:27 <adrianS> this broken unfortunatly
18:27 @<henne> ok i guess we have to take that offline then..
18:27 <adrianS> so we can either only maintain it manually for now or to dig into mediawiki
18:28 <adrianS> yes, lets do that
18:28 @<henne> any other general questions?
18:28 <Beineri> then there is a broken link in Akregator, Kontact, Konqueror etc. :-(
18:28 @<henne> we did not say we wont do it...
18:28 @<henne> lets see what darix has to say about that
18:29 @<henne> Action Item darix: make news.opensuse.org work
18:29 @<henne> Okay. The next opensuse status meeting will be at the 26th of september, same time, same channel
18:29 @<henne> thank you all for participating
18:30 @<henne> good night and good luck!
18:30 <cthiel> that one was quick :)
18:30 <cthiel> byebye
--- Log closed Tue Sep 12 18:31:44 2006