--- Log opened Tue Jul 25 17:57:27 2006
17:58 <skh> Welcome to the openSUSE Status Meeting!
17:58 <skh> This meeting is meant to discuss the latest developments in and
around openSUSE.
17:58 grigorg [n=Miranda@027-2.dial.aic.net] has joined #opensuse
17:58 <skh> Some technicalities:
17:58 <skh> I'd like to do this meeting without moderation, so the channel
stays open, just speak when you like.
17:58 <skh> The agenda today is short:
17:59 mode/#opensuse [+o Beineri] by ChanServ
17:59 <skh> Status:
17:59 <skh> - 10.2
17:59 <skh> - wiki
17:59 alucardsy [n=patrik@81-233-85-107-no74.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #opensuse
17:59 <skh> - build service
17:59 Beineri changed the topic of #opensuse to: [18:02] <skh> Welcome to the openSUSE Status Meeting!
17:59 <skh> Q & A (1 question so far)
17:59 <skh> Beineri: thanks ;-)
17:59 <houghi> 3 questions. in the Q & A
17:59 <skh> ok, I stand corrected. last I looked it was 1
17:59 <houghi> Uh. 4.
Status 10.2
18:00 <skh> so, is anybody present who can give us a status on 10.2?
18:00 <skh> adrianS?
18:00 j-engel [n=joengel@dslb-084-060-105-052.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #opensuse
18:00 <skh> (aj is excused, he's on vacation, and I haven't seen michl online
for a few hours)
18:01 <adrianS> sorry
18:01 <adrianS> status openSUSE Factory
18:02 <adrianS> I JUST (two minutes ago :) was able to do again an installation :)
18:02 <adrianS> we do have a new gcc package layout now, which allows to
install multiple versions of gcc at the same time
18:02 <adrianS> xorg 7.1 is about to come into factory in the next week
18:03 <adrianS> so we will not hunt the bloody x hangup of YaST2 in second stage
18:03 <adrianS> until xorg 7.1 is merged
18:03 <adrianS> zmd reports errors currently in Factory
18:03 <adrianS> the installation works based on patterns instead of selections
18:03 Madhan [n=PMadhan@] has joined #openSUSE
18:03 <adrianS> it seems we do have some problems, that not all packages get
18:04 <adrianS> but you get a usable system :)
Status build service
18:04 <adrianS> status build service
18:04 <adrianS> we added new targets, SLES 10 target
18:04 jonasbjork [n=jonas@] has joined #opensuse
18:04 <adrianS> one without SDK, so it makes sure that you do not need any
other package when installing it
18:05 <adrianS> and another one with SDK, to get a lot more development packages
18:05 <adrianS> we did also add Ubuntu 6.06
18:05 <adrianS> for i586 only
18:05 <adrianS> it works as nice as with building for debian
18:05 <adrianS> Marcus presented a first alpha version of kiwiw
18:05 <adrianS> kiwi
18:06 <adrianS> that means you can create easily images for booting via
network, for using in XEN or vmware or for live CDs now
18:06 <adrianS> the nice point is that everybody can share his distribution
via only small file now
18:06 <adrianS> and everybody else can adapt it and create his own one
18:06 <skh> (see http://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service/KIWI for that)
18:06 <adrianS> we do NOT have a system to our classical .isos yet
18:07 <adrianS> but this is of course also on our roadmap
18:07 <adrianS> we do have also the "Base" project working for 50%
18:07 <adrianS> this is our testballoon for building SUSE Factory inside the
build service
18:07 Vincent_k [n=vincent@c83-251-15-9.bredband.comhem.se] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
18:08 <adrianS> we do test, if we are able to bootstrap the system via the build service with it
18:08 <adrianS> we do plan also to add cross compile support for it in the middle term
18:08 <adrianS> our next big tasks are the bindings to our internal autobuild
18:08 <adrianS> with that every change from any suse developer will become
visible in the build service
18:09 <adrianS> and everybody can contribute to these packages
18:09 <adrianS> or reuse them for your own adaptions
18:09 <adrianS> I think this is it for now
Questions about 10.2 and build service
18:09 <adrianS> any questions ?
18:09 <Beineri> is the pattern discussion still ongoing?
18:09 <adrianS> hm, I think so, AJ is taking care of it, but he is on vacation
18:09 <Terman> will the status of the individual factory packages be visible
from the outside then
18:10 <Terman> I mean the build status
18:10 <adrianS> In the first step only the source and the source changes will
be visible
18:10 <j-engel> What's about the roadmap for the Build Service? Is Q3 2006
still the plan for the Beta phase?
18:10 CzP [n=czanik@] has joined #opensuse
18:10 <skh> adrianS: what's the schedule for opening the build service to more
users (i.e. everybody with a wiki account)?
18:10 <adrianS> we do plan also to move the build of the Factory distribution
to the build service
18:11 <adrianS> but that depends on the hardware we will get
18:11 <houghi> I see openSUSE Tools project on the Kiwi page.Will other
internal packages be placed there as well? (question from the Q&A)
18:11 <adrianS> skh: this depends 1st on some implementations (Quotas/ ACLs)
and 2nd on the hardware
18:11 <adrianS> we hope to get this in the next 4 month
18:11 <skh> ok, thanks.
18:11 <j-engel> So when do you know more about that?
18:11 cyberiad [n=snbarth@charybdis-ext.suse.de] has quit ["Don't eat animals - eat the rich"]
18:11 <Beineri> adrianS: what happens then if there will be no new ppc hardware?
no Factory ppc anymore?
18:12 <adrianS> houghi: what do you mean with internal ?
18:12 <Thruth> When will Gnome source/packages come to the build service? have
been Waiting for months.
18:12 <adrianS> houghi: openSUSE: provides tools working with the build service
18:12 <houghi> SUSE/Novell
18:12 <adrianS> pure internal tools will only work inside of novell, so it
does not make sense to put them there
18:12 <adrianS> and we need anyway to rewrite them
18:13 <adrianS> gnome was promised in about 1 month AFAIK
18:13 <adrianS> Beineri: even when we do have no ppc in the BS, we can still
build it internaly
18:13 <adrianS> Beineri: because the internal and external system will always
have the same sources
18:14 <adrianS> the internal one will be used for the enterprise products
18:14 <adrianS> while openSUSE.org will be used for the SUSE Linux/openSUSE
18:14 linux__alien [n=linux__a@] has joined #opensuse
18:15 <houghi> adrianS: I am talking about e.g. create_package_descr that is
now used internally.
18:15 <adrianS> hm, Ithink this is already public available ...
18:15 <adrianS> let me check this, we can put it to the svn, I think
18:15 <_Marcus_> GNOME is currently being updated for factory, so it might hit
supplementary / the buildservice in some days/weeks
18:16 <linux__alien> i am new bie to Suse and i want to know whats the latest
version of kernel that i can get using suse 10.1 if i do an online update
18:16 <_Marcus_> linux__alien:
18:16 <linux__alien> can anyone please help me ? i just installed Suse for the
first time in my life
18:16 <Beineri> linux__alien: later, see topic
18:16 <skh> linux__alien: we're in the middle of status meeting, please ask
18:16 <houghi> I checked and saw no difference in the version I have and what
was available on Factory.
18:16 ddavis [n=ddavis@leibniz.dnsdhcp.provo.novell.com] has joined #openSUSE
18:16 linux__alien [n=linux__a@] has left #opensuse ["Leaving"]
18:17 <adrianS> are we done with the status ?
18:17 <skh> ok, all questions answered regarding build service and 10.2/factory
18:17 <Beineri> any news about 10.2 schedule?
18:17 <j-engel> No, may I point again to my last question?
18:18 <adrianS> j-engel: know more about what exactly ?
18:18 <j-engel> adrianS: When do you know more about the "implementations
(Quota etc.) you mentioned above?
18:18 <adrianS> we think we can do it within the next 2 month
18:18 <j-engel> OK, thanks
18:18 <adrianS> it is a guess, not a promise ;)
18:18 <j-engel> Don't worry, I take it as a guess. ;)
18:19 herregud [n=herregud@s01i32-0460.no.powertech.net] has joined #opensuse
18:19 <skh> Beineri: michl and aj are not here to comment, so I guess not
18:19 <adrianS> the plan is still early 2007 afaik
18:20 <adrianS> but not yet approved
18:20 <skh> http://en.opensuse.org/Roadmap goes until Alpha 5 end of October
18:20 <skh> anything else for adrian? ;-)
18:20 armani [n=armani@219-70-187-188.cable.dynamic.giga.net.tw] has joined #opensuse
Status wiki
18:21 <skh> if not, next topic: status wiki.
18:21 <skh> notlocalhorst?
18:21 <nolocalhorst> nothing really new from my side, see last meeting whats
on my 2do list.
18:21 <nolocalhorst> additional:
18:21 <nolocalhorst> - got pt translations, will start work on it soon
18:21 <nolocalhorst> look and discuss the imho nice frontpage redesign
proposal from fs on opensuse-wiki ml
18:22 <nolocalhorst> thats all
18:22 <nolocalhorst> from me :-)
18:22 <skh> yes, somebody finally driving the frontpage redesign
18:22 <Chodorenko> Hi all How to start mysqd for use 2 reall processor &
18:22 <skh> Chodorenko: we're in the middle of a status meeting, please ask
later again
18:22 <skh> ok, questions regarding the wiki?
18:23 <Chodorenko> ok
18:23 alucardsy [n=patrik@81-233-85-107-no74.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:24 <skh> nothinh?
18:24 <skh> nothing even.
Q & A
18:24 <skh> ok, then next topic: Q&A.
18:24 <houghi> No, It is now discussed in opensuse-wiki, as nolocalhorst said.
18:25 <skh> first question: support for Old-World ppc machines
18:25 <skh> this was actually answered in the last meeting already
18:25 <skh> Larry, are you here?
18:26 jdanield [n=jdd@dodin.org] has joined #opensuse
18:26 <skh> the answer was: SUSE R&D doesn't have the resources for work in
that area, but anything done in the community will be considered for
18:26 <skh> pointers are welcome
18:26 <skh> then two questions from houghi
18:26 _noname_ [n=Michael@dslb-084-056-065-089.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #opensuse
18:27 <skh> houghi: the first one is already answered?
18:27 <houghi> Yes.
18:27 <houghi> Second: Will there be test directories and files available to
test updating?
18:27 <skh> I'm not sure I understand that one
18:27 grigorg [n=Miranda@027-2.dial.aic.net] has quit ["Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org"]
18:28 <skh> houghi: can you elaborate please?
18:28 <houghi> At this moment when installing Alpha (or Beta) it is not possible
to test e.g. YOU.
18:28 <bgerber> In 10.1 it was not really clear about testing the update feature
18:28 armani [n=armani@219-70-187-188.cable.dynamic.giga.net.tw] has quit ["暫離"]
18:28 <houghi> It would be nice if there were some 'fake' updates available
to test it.
18:28 <adrianS> houghi: we are about to create a Factory YOU source
18:28 <adrianS> so it will be possible to test it
18:29 <houghi> OK, that answers it then. :-)
18:29 <skh> bgerber: does it answer your question too?
18:29 <bgerber> yes
18:30 <skh> ok. next question from Vesa
18:30 <skh> Vesa, are you around?
18:30 <skh> Are you going to allow easier selection of Update mirrors (like
it used to be on earlier versions) as at least I have had problems with
slow links and aborted downloads. This causes then again problem in
updating agent to make quite long wait until there is possibly to retry
or abort. Another feature to think about would be to download multiple
files at same time when getting updates, also during installation of the
package files could be download at same time. If one transfer hangs for
some reason new one would be started.
18:31 <adrianS> I am not aware of any plans
18:31 <adrianS> it could be added as feature request to bugzilla
18:31 <skh> I can do that
18:32 <cb400f> might be understood as a complaint about suseregister appointed
repos also
18:32 <houghi> I suppose it might be linked to installation_sources that is not
available anymore.
18:33 <skh> ok, anything else?
18:33 herregud [n=herregud@s01i32-0460.no.powertech.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:33 <houghi> Or it could be linked to the *.repo things discussed in factory.
18:34 <skh> houghi: could be. I think I'll open an enhancement bug and ask
Vesa to comment there
18:34 <houghi> OK.
18:34 <skh> best way to reach the yast team anyway.
18:35 <adrianS> .repo file support for yast is in the feature request database
18:35 <adrianS> planned to be done for 10.2
18:36 <cb400f> being Finish Vesa probably got some faulty russian mirror
assigned.. I think that's the core of it.. has happened in Denmark too
18:36 <houghi> I hear some people also complain about getting slow mirrors assigned.
18:36 j-engel [n=joengel@dslb-084-060-105-052.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
18:37 <bgerber> I got a EU mirror for US
18:37 <bgerber> I just edited the YaST sources and rug sources
18:37 j-engel [n=joengel@dslb-084-060-105-052.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #opensuse
18:37 <houghi> Also when I get gwdg, I am almost always slower then when I use
Vienna or Belnet or Surfnet in the Netherlands.
18:38 benJIman|work is now known as benJIman
18:38 <cb400f> me to.. but it'll be a problem for many users not aware of the
18:38 <bgerber> I like to idea of having a choice.
18:38 <houghi> Would it be possible to have the user select (and have one as
18:39 <adrianS> as I said before, make a feature request ...
18:39 <adrianS> there are no yast developers around here atm
18:39 <houghi> I will do that.
18:39 * adrianS needs to leave because of stupid private reasons
18:40 <cb400f> houghi: enhancement for you or bug against SuseRegister? .. or both? :)
18:40 <skh> adrianS: see you later
18:40 <houghi> I will do an Enhancement request.
18:40 nolocalhorst [n=nolocalh@charybdis-ext.suse.de] has quit ["Kopete 0.11.1 : http://kopete.kde.org"]
18:41 <houghi> cb400f: or do you think a bugreport will be better?
18:42 <skh> any additional topics? if not, suse people will probably all leave
18:42 <cb400f> houghi: don't know.. maybe do both.. probably easier to fix SuseRegister, users will be happy as long as they get fast and functional mirrors
18:42 <Beineri> mhm?
18:43 <bgerber> Is meeting closed?
18:43 <skh> bgerber: if nobody has anything else to discuss, yes ;-)
18:43 kaiSVK [n=kai@] has joined #opensuse
18:43 <skh> ok, I take this as a no ;-)
18:44 <skh> so I declare this meeting closed now.
--- Log closed Tue Jul 25 18:44:24 2006