
Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

UI Side

  • "Patches" filter view

== (Re-) implement combo box that lets user choose between

  • Patches that are not installed and would make sense to install (i.e., patches that affect packages that are or will be installed)
  • Patches that make sense to install, no matter if the patches are installed yet or not
  • All patches, even those that don't make sense to install (because the packages that are patched are not installed anyway)

Requires zypp::Selectable::isUnneeded() to be implemented - currently zypp::ResStatus is not visible to the UI


  • Icons in PatternSelector:
  • Pattern::icon() is used by default
  • if Pattern::icon() is empty, Pattern::name() is used. Blanks are replaced with underscores ("_"): "My Pattern" -> "My_Pattern.png"
  • ".png" will be appended, unless icon name ends with ".png" or ".jpg"
  • if icon name starts with "/", an absolute path is assumed
  • if icon name has no slash ("/") at all, the icon is looked up in /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/32x32/apps/ and in /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/48x48/apps/
  • relative path names are assumed to be relative to /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/
  • absolute path names are supported as well (of course)

LibZYPP side

  • Export ResStatus::unneeded flag to UI

Proposal: Implement zypp::Selectable::isUnneeded() - currently zypp::ResStatus is not visible at all to the UI

  • Patches
  • zypp::Patch::category() is a string, not an enum

This is not a transparent string that can or should simply be displayed to the user as it is. Rather, it has considerable functionality: It indicates if a patch is a security patch, a recommended or an optional patch. Those categories need to be interpreted at various levels, at least in the UI and during automatic patch selection (web-updater and / or SuSEupdater).

This should rather be an enum. We need to handle all values that can occur. If it stays a string (which is likely at this phase of the project), we need to make sure it remains parseable, i.e. untranslated. The UI needs to map it to a translated string.

  • source location

URL / path to the source tarball so a user can find out what source RPM an binary RPM is built from - useful for packages that have subpackages

Dropped or Postponed

  • Customizable pattern category background highlight color

Last edit in Trac '04/20/06 18:19:26' by 'sh'

Last edit in Trac '04/20/06 18:19:26' by 'sh'

Last edit in Trac '04/20/06 18:19:26' by 'sh'

Last edit in Trac '04/20/06 18:19:26' by 'sh'