
< Libzypp‎ | Devel
Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Source file header

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/** \file       zypp/parser/YUM/YUMParserData.h
* Declares the various YUMData classes.
* They are rather dumb structure-like classes that hold the data
* of specific YUM repository files. The parsers (YUM...Parser) create
* these objects, and the YUM installation source use them to build more
* sophisticated objects.

Last edit in Trac '11/21/05 18:10:29' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '11/21/05 18:10:29' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '11/21/05 18:10:29' by 'kkaempf'

Last edit in Trac '11/21/05 18:10:29' by 'kkaempf'