
Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

I've been a Linux user (and hacker) since the 0.97 kernels, when a full distribution would still fit onto seven floppy disks. So I've been around for a while :)

I've dabbled in lots of different areas, including writing one of the first Linux books to be published (the Linux Network Administrator's Guide, for O'Reilly); rewriting large parts of the Linux NFS client and creating the Linux kernel nfsd and lockd; managing the vendor-sec list for many years, and working on Linux security in different capacities.

In my professional life, I used to work for Caldera (back when their business model still involved selling things, rather than just charging for it) as the primary security scapegoat. I left Caldera shortly after SCO graciously accepted a huge amount of money for the privilege of joining them on their way down, and went to join Suse.

At Suse, I spent some time on the security team, before moving to Suse Labs, where I now head one of the two kernel teams. Our team deals with most of the driver stuff, power management, networking, etc. Currently, most of my time is taken up investigating and fixing bugs reported by customers, and team management duties. I do however try to reserve some time to hack a bit on NFS related things.