
Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Hello! I'm Anders Norrbring


I've been working in the computer business since back in 1979 (no, there were no x86 back then) and I've seen most of the architectures pass by, develop, die or live on.

My education is (translated to international language), Master of Sience in computer hardware technology, system engineering and network designs.

I also have a bunch of certifications in the portfolio, most valuable would be those from Novell, Cisco Systems and Microsoft.

I've been working with Novell products since they marketed NetWare v1.1 a long time ago.

My *nix career started with a couple of more or less useless Unixes, most of them couldn't even share data between them.. Then through some different Linux distributions, and do-it-yourself variants up to todays Unix, BSD and Linuxes.


Today, me and my wife run a company, Norrbring Consulting, where we do a lot of different work for both companies, organisations and private (home) customers.

We're specialized in network design, datacenter design and security, power supply and backup, cooling and ventilation systems and building custom servers and desktop computers.

We currently use SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for both clients servers and for our in-house data management and SUSE Linux for desktops and other diverse functions. We also work with several of the different *BSD and Unix systems.

SUSE involvement

I'm currently a member of Novell/SUSE beta testing teams for SLES and SL and several other Novell products. Of course I use these products daily and make several specialized installations and modifications.

This sometimes results in knowledge that would be useful to share to others. I've put some customized packages online at my my website for or public use. Lately I've also shared some knowledge on mailing lists and in forums, and now I've been writing a little for the Wiki and How-To here.

--AndersN 18:43, 30 May 2006 (UTC)