
Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

This is me (in front of my PC):

Michael small.jpg


Of course I could write half a book about me right here. But I'll spare you that. If you want to know more about me and my projects, visit my homepage. Right here I will give you some clue about my person and my work at SUSE. At the moment, I am also studying computer science (informatics) at the university of applied sciences in Nuremberg (Georg Simon Ohm).

My love towards linuX

Linux is not only an operating system, it's a big deal more than that. It's an living organism which inherited its spirit from the thousands of people around the world who're creating it with their very heart. Open Source Software is a religion in my opinion and an ethical obligation as well. Realizing that took me some time but today Microsoft is history for me. That's also the reason why I won't work with this piece of software (of course). Linux allows you to set free the very potential of your computer, not restraining you by artificial boundaries cursed on you by some mighty software concern or something like that. Set your mind free, use Linux. This system gave me a lot in a period of my life when I really felt lousy and nobody cared about me. This might sound crazy, but this is on of the reasons it is to special to me.

My work at SUSE

My main job is to `screen' incoming bugs on the open bugzilla at opensuse.org. I'm doing this together with Martin. They gave us the soundful name `BNC-Screening-Team'. One could see us as mediators between the community and the staff of SUSE and Novell. We're filtering out bad or unsufficiently verbose bug reports and do preliminary work on them to take some weight off the shoulders of the package-maintainers. Sometimes we help to narrow down the problem or propose solutions to users how about working around a problem (...). It's not the typical high-class or super brainee work -- but it has its rewards and advances. I'm quite new to SUSE, so there is plenty of room for advances and I am looking forward to the challange ;)

The people around and behind SUSE...

are just a joy to work with. The climate within the company is friendly and sophisticated at the same time. There is an open door policy and the exchange of information works quite well and directly. We're all calling ourselves by our first names, for example. But what's most remarkable: SUSE people are really convinced about what they are doing, real geeks so to speak. And if something is wrong, it will not get silently burried but discussed in a public way. People are not defining themselves by their positions rather than by their work and actions. That's how it should be -- but often not is the case. I'm quite happy that I joined them and I just like it to work at SUSE. And no: This is not an exaggeration and no one paid me for writing this ;)




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