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Model SUSE Linux
Donanım Desteği Görüş:
Video Ses Eternet Diğer
evesham.com XP2000+ 9.1-10.n 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png DVD-RAM
22px-Tick.pngPhilips DVD+RW DL
(Dengesiz RAM'i değiştirildiğinde) Linux'ta sağlam ve güvenilebilir
Ev-yapımı Asus A8V Deluxe,
AMD Athlon64 3500+
9.1-10.n 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png 100mbps
Question.png Gigabit
22px-Tick.png LG DVD-RW
22px-Tick.pngLG-DVD-RW DL
Toplama Athlon 64 makine, S-ATA sürücüler ile
Iwill ZMAXd2
2xOpteron 275
10.1 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png 22px-Tick.png NEC 3520A DVDRW w83627hf sensör ön tanımları yanlış

İşaretler: 22px-Tick.png Çalışabilir Cross.png Çalışmaz Question.png Test Edilmedi NotApplicable.png Bilgi Mevcut Değil

evesham.com XP2100+

Asus anakartı ve MSI Ti4600 grafik kartı üzerine kurulmuş, bu makine satın alınan en hızlı üretim makinelerinden biriydi. Bir CD-RW ve DVD-RAM ve 17" LG TFT ile birlikte geliyordu. Kötü DIMM'ler sebebiyle başta göçmek dışında, sorunsuz çalışmıştır.

Bir Windows XP beygiri olarak teslim ediliyordu, SUSE 9.1'den beri vaktini tamamen bir Linux makinesi olarak geçirmiştir. Orijinal görüntü kartı (Ti4600), ses kartı (SB Audigy 1) her zaman tamamen işlevseldi - SB Audigy sürücülerinde sesi 0'a ayarlama veya dijital çıkışı öntanımlı hale getirme ile ilgili başlarda sorun olmasına rağmen, OEM sürümü kurulduğunda hep sorunsuzdu.

Halihazırda bir FX5700LE kullanarak bir çift 17" TFT ile ikili-kafa hizmeti yapmakta ve güvenilir bir şekilde çalışmaktadır. CD-RW da k3b ile düzgün çalışan bir çift-tabakalı (dual-layer) Philips DVD+/-RW Çift Tabaka sürücü ile değiştirilmiştir.

Asus A8V Based PC

Custom built machine using an AOpen large tower case, Enermaxx 400W quiet power supply, Asus A8V Deluxe motherboard, IcyDock S-ATA drive tray and 2 Samsung 160GB S-ATA drivers (one SUSE, one Windows), originally Aeolus FX5900XT graphics card, replaced by XFX FX6600GT, and a SB Audigy 2ZS sound card. Matched to an Athlon64 3500+ and 1GB DDR400 RAM. When it was built it was state-of-the-art, put together 2 weeks after AMD announced the Socket 939 standard and Asus released the Av8 Deluxe motherboard. It is currently driving an LG Flatron M203WX 20.1" widescreen TFT at 1680x1050 perfecly happily.

The Deluxe motherboard comes with a mini-slot Wi-Fi card, but this has never been tested - the machine sits 1M from the switch! The onboard Marvell Gigabit ethernet port works fine in 100MB/S mode, Gigabit not tested.

64-bit SUSE installed perfectly on the machine from the get-go and, apart from a relative lack of packages when it was released, there have been no real problems. Playing DVD's meant dropping back to 32-bit packages, but apart from that everything was fine. Which is more than can be said for Windows, which refused to believe that there was a hard drive attached!

Asus A8v

my computer is an asus A8V Deluxe m/b, amd 64 3000+, 1GB pc3200, geforce fx 5600 ultra 128mb, emu 1212m w/ daughter board, audigy gamer, antec true power 480w, sata 120gb, two maxtor 80gb in raid 0, plextor 716a, sony 48x24x48. as you can see i have quite a hodge podge of hardware, but suse did install and start up without a hitch. i even got xgl working with nvidia's drivers, and following the guide to get it running. i have two monitors, a 19" and a 17". i was able to strech the screen across both the thing i didn't like about xgl was it basically made one desktop stretch across both screens. what i mean by that is the menu button is on the bottom left on the left monitor, and the clock is on the bootom right in the right monitor. i switched back to regular x due to this. the only other issue i had was from having two sound cards installed. i had sound working once, then i had to tweak things cause that's what i do, and i broke it. can't seem to fix it i will probably just reinstall. the network card works without a hitch, alhtough like the other a8v dude i also don't know how gigabit works. this is the only computer i have with gigabit. well that's about it on my experience, if you got any questions feel free to ask Retrieved from "http://en.opensuse.org/Talk:HCL/Desktops/Other" Views