Core Team Issues
[gizle]Topics previously discussed in core team meetings
The regular public Meetings have replace the meetings listed here.
- Wiki launch foreign languages
- This one has been postponed due to technical problems by a week.
- Codename competition
- This needs the voting module which will be introduced at the same time as foreign language support.
- Buildserver team meeting
- An offsite will happen on 24th/25th.
- SUSE Linux Alpha3 distribution
- Problems with networkmanager.
- We've merged the Java packages into the normal packages and into the extra packages. The question is how to make this extra tree public. currently has only opensource packages and we do not want to add it there.
- FOSDEM 2006
- Christoph will prepare a mail about FOSDEM topics and ask people to give talks as well.
- "Linux Campus Treffen" Erlangen
- Sonja and Christoph will prepare a talk for the "Linux Compus Treffen" at university erlangen.
- Integrating google site search
- Can we use the free Google site search for ? MediaWiki itself offers an easy way to support it.
- Web forums
- Ask Novell web forum team about their current state.
- Wiki localization
- localized Wikis should go online this week.
- Doc server
- We're preparing a central place for all kinds of documentation for which the wiki is not a good place for various reason. Still in planning stage, documentation team is working on it.
- Search engine on needs improving.
- List of Components
- We want to provide a list of components of the distribution which are being developed as open-source projects by Novell (e.g. YaST). Right now this information is hard to find.
- (Official) Web forums
- On hold, waiting for new Novell support forums to be ready for beta test.
- Wiki localization
- Work in progress - slow but steady progress. Languages being worked on at the moment are german, french and spanish, more can and will be added later.
to be discussed
- openSUSE governance