Önsayfa tasarım
The frontpage of http://en.opensuse.org has millions of visits. See popular pages list for exact numbers.
Participants in the discussions on this topic agree that current design should be improved. Please see the discussion
- Lesser entry points (menu items) with more details on the second level; some call this portals, other second level index pages. The aim is to have better and faster access to the articles, in other words more relevant articles listed in lesser clicks.
- Special attention to the menus in left side frame. Make a shorter list so that all links fit on one screen, without scrolling.
- More appealing graphic design (illustrations, background images, Google like thematic illustrations).
- Few styles that visitor can choose from (CSS).
- Use of default browser language for automated redirect
- Improve News section
- Higher visibility of openSUSE in other languages, having a list at the bottom of the page, like Wikipedia.
Proposed Designs
The aim is to create the best frontpage possible.
Take a look on the list of present ideas and then be free to create a new design, redesign current page or design components that can be used by other designers and add a link to the list.