Tartışma:Wishlist Packages that were already there

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

There needs to be some way to resolve the media player problem. While the issues related to patent etc. are real, they are also irrelevant to end users. They just want things to work. This means they need to be able to play DVD's, and other media from other platforms and codecs. In particular from web pages.

Why can't this be solved in a manner similar to they way nVidia drivers and Microsoft Core fonts are installed. Let users install a package from YaST that downloads and installs a script which retrieves (and builds in necesary) the required packages for decent media playback. For example MPlayer, w32codecs, and mplayer-plugin.

Another possibility is including Packman in the YaST install sources by default.

Without simple, one click ability to play all media, Linux, and SuSE are not going to be competitive as a desktop OS. This is a shame since SuSE is already a better desktop OS than the 'leading competitor'.


According to "Wishlist Packages that were already there" section scilab is already included. However, despite a long time spent looking for it I cannot find it. If it is already there could you point to it please, if not could you either add it or ammend the "Wishlist Packages that were already there" below. Ta.