SDB:ZEN-Update System problem in 10.1

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 10.1


You have problems using the zen_updater to download online updates.


Via The KDE or GNOME menu go to -> System -> YaST (Control Center) -> Software > Installation Source

Add on of the suse mirrors found at:

As an example I use the following:

  1. Protocol: HTTP
  2. Server name:
  3. Directory on server: /pub/suse/update/10.1
  4. Authentication: Anonymous 

After this is added, click on "Online update" from within Yast. If you run it the first time you won't see any patches. You have to run the "Online update" module twice in order to get new patches listed. Run it once, close it with 'accept' and than run it again. Now the patches are available.

In the patch overview the "libzypp update" and the "yast2-online-update" patch will be selected. Just press "Accept" to install them.

After this is done, open your x-term console: Start > System > Terminal > Konsole and run:

zen-updater &

After this, zen updater should be visible again (round icon on the bottom right of the screen). Click on it and try to download the rest of the updates.

An Alternative is to run the Yast Online Update during the installation.

Added Info 20-02-2006 by "sliding":

Before solving this updater problem, I expirienced also termination of the internet connection when trying to update, either using the zen-updater or YOU. After first updating the libzypp package succesfully I continued with the other updates I wanted. I noticed that the updating process did not continue after a short period of time (about 5-7 minutes). The connection was down as before. However, after a system reboot this problem did not occur anymore when using the zen-updater. Retrieved from "" <keyword>Installation,Update,Zen</keyword>