SDB:Problems with Power Management (SuSE 8.1)

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 8.1


You want to use APM (Advanced Power Management). However, an ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), which is only partially supported by your BIOS or not supported at all, has been installed during the installation.


  1. Disabling ACPI

    Append the following option to your loader's boot options


    and start your machine.

    This option can also be added on a permanent basis to the kernel parameter line of your boot loader with YaST2's boot loader module. The exact procedure is described in the manual.

SDB:Kernel Parameters for ACPI/APIC

  1. Activating APM

    Use the command

    rpm -q apmd

    to check if the APM service is installed. If no information on the package is displayed, install the package "APMD" with YaST2.

    Once the package is installed, activate it with YaST2's boot loader configuration. For more information about APM configuration, refer to the article:

    SDB:Using APMD and Power Management

Note: The configuration of APM or ACPI exceeds the scope of the installation support. <keyword>81,apm,powermanagement,laptop,acpi,batterydisplay</keyword>