SDB:Kernel Panic after Using the Boot Loader Configuration

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 8.1


After selecting "Restore Original Configuration" in YaST2's boot loader configuration, the next boot process freezes with a Kernel Panic message.


The reason is a bug in the package yast2-bootloader, which extracts all modules from the INITRD. The root file system ("/") can no longer be mounted due to the missing modules in INITRD (e.g., the module 'reiserfs' or the SCSI modules).


First, boot the installed system by means of the CD or DVD and open the file /etc/sysconfig/kernel with a text editor of your choice in a root shell. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Press the key combination ALT+F2 in KDE.
  • Enter "xterm" in the input field.
  • Click "Run".
  • Enter the command "su -" in the window that opens.
  • Enter the root password when prompted to do so.

Open the file with the command:

pico -w /etc/sysconfig/kernel

In the variable INITRD_MODULES, enter the module required to access the file system on the root partition. On a standard installation, this would be the module reiserfs.

If the hard disk containing the Linux boot partition is attached to a SCSI or RAID controller, the module corresponding to this device must also be entered. To find out what module is required, execute

hwinfo --storage-ctrl

If the system is equipped with an IDE CD-writer, the module ide-scsi must be inserted, too. The resulting line may look like this (in SCSI systems):

INITRD_MODULES="reiserfs aic7xxx ide-scsi"

Save the file (with the key combination CTRL-O in pico) and close the editor (CTRL-X). Then execute the script


to integrate the modules in the INITRD. The boot problem should now be solved.

An updated yast2-bootloader package in which the bug in the boot loader configuration dialog is already fixed is also available. This package can be installed with YOU or downloaded from the FTP server then installed by executing the following shell command (adapting path and version number accordingly):

rpm -Uhv /tmp/yast2-bootloader-2.6.68-1.i586.rpm

SDB:Booting with the initial ramdisk
