OpenSUSE Localization Developers Information

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In this page find information for developers about adding an openSUSE specific application to the localization process.

Adding a New Application

To add application to the localization process, proceed as follows:

  1. Send a mail to You should provide information about: application name, your full name, your Novell (Bugzilla) login, your contact mail.
  2. Wait to approval of new application and creating subversion (SVN) access for you.
  3. Copy POT file of your application in the trunk/lcn/50.pot directory to the SVN. The name of the POT file shout be in format <application_name>.pot.

Please, keep yout POT file up-to-date. If you change some strings, create the new POT file and commit it to SVN.

Fetching Translations

To fetch translations out of the repository, proceed as follows:

Update your work copy:

svn up

Configure your translation:

autoreconf -fi

Fetch translations:


- this will result in a ${PROJECT}-po.tar.gz file containing the "po" directory with all the translation files.

Note: Do not change any .po file in a language directory. These files belong to the translators and the translation coordinators only.