MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "warnings": {
        "expandtemplates": {
            "*": "Because no values have been specified for the prop parameter, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future, a default value will be set for the prop parameter, causing the newformat to always be used."
    "expandtemplates": {
        "*": "\n'''Welcome to the OpenSUSE Wiki Sandbox'''.\n \nThis page is designed for experimenting with editing and formatting of Wiki text.\nTo edit, click '''[ here]''' or '''edit''' in the row of buttons at the bottom of this page.\n\n;Please keep it clean, otherwise you are free to edit and reformat any text you find, except for the first line in the edit box.\n----\n\n=Burada Wiki'nin Bi\u00e7emini Nas\u0131l Kullanaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131z\u0131 Test Edebilirsiniz= \n==Sayfalar nas\u0131l bi\u00e7imlendirilir== \n===Ve Senin \u0130stedi\u011fin Kadar Hareket!===\n; \u0130\u00e7ine farkl\u0131 karakterler yerle\u015ftirilmi\u015f ilk \u00e7izgi, farkl\u0131 bi\u00e7imlendirmeler verir, bu da noktal\u0131 virg\u00fcld\u00fcr ; \nama bu, ilk olarak yeni \u00e7izgi karakterine devam eder.\n;; \u00c7ift noktal\u0131 virg\u00fcl;;\n;;; Ve \u00fc\u00e7l\u00fc noktal\u0131 virg\u00fcl ;;;\n: \u0130ki nokta \u00fcst \u00fcste ne i\u015fe yar\u0131yor :\n:: Ve onlar\u0131n bu ikisi ::\n::: Tahminen sa\u011fda, bu 3 tane iki nokta \u00fcst \u00fcste :::\n''kutuda sabitlenmi\u015f yaz\u0131 tipi'' i\u00e7in konulmu\u015f \u00e7izgideki birinci '''bo\u015f alan'''.\n{| style=\"background-color: #fdffdd; margin: 1em 2.5% 0 2.5%; padding: 3px 3px; border: 1px solid #aaa;\"\n|-\n|<small>Note is one of templates that make life easier</small>\n|}\n\n;noktal\u0131 virg\u00fcl: iki nokta \u00fcst \u00fcsteyi takip eder...\n\n;;iki noktal\u0131 virg\u00fcl : iki nokta \u00fcst \u00fcsteyi takip eder...\n\n= Ba\u015fl\u0131k 1 =\n== Ba\u015fl\u0131k  2 ==\n=== Ba\u015fl\u0131k  3 ===\n\n[[Category:Test|API]]\n\n[[Image:pdf.png]]\nspecifying size will reduce or enlarge image:\n[[Image:pdf.png|100px]]"