SDB:Problems with AVM B1 PCI v4.0 and SuSE Linux 8.2

Şuraya atla: kullan, ara

Version: 8.2


Your system is equipped with an AVM B1 V4.0 active card. When you try to start or use this card, an error message about no CAPI device being found is displayed.


The B1 PCI V4.0 card uses the driver module b1pci.o and cannot be distinguished from older B1 PCI cards by means of its PCI identification. Because of this, the start scripts address this card as b1pci, too. Unfortunately, the driver has internally registered the card as b1pciv4, so it cannot be found when activated through capiinit.


As a provisional workaround, execute the command capiinit start as root without any additional parameter. The card will be started and can then be used. An update package for capi4linux will soon be provided with a new capiinit that solves this problem. Until then, the problem can be avoided as described above. <keyword>ISDN,CAPI,AVM,B1,8.2</keyword>